Travel Tips

A photo of a woman’s rude plane etiquette divides opinions

A passenger has been slammed by a fellow traveller for blocking their plane seats' TV screen during a flight. However, not everyone was on their side.

The man explained that the woman in front had covered their screen with their coat while sitting in extra leg room seats. Sharing a picture on Reddit, he wrote: “I guess no entertainment for my wife on this flight.”

A large black coat was put over the back of the seat, covering nearly all of his wife’s screen. Lots of people shared they were just as annoyed as him. 

Someone said, “Blows my mind how someone can do that, while realising they have a TV/touchscreen in front of them and not think about the TV that’s on the back of their own seat.”

But not everyone agreed here and said the man should have just asked to move it.

Someone commented: “I’m sure she put her jacket on the seat without really realising it would block the TV. All you have to do is kindly ask her to move it and she will.”

One person explained how they had a similar situation except the passenger refused to move it - but then they received a free upgrade. Win win!

Image: Reddit

travel tips, travel etiquette, travel domestic, travel international, flying tips