Charlotte Foster
Travel Tips

Flight attendant reveals simple mistake that makes travellers sick

A flight attendant has revealed a common mistake plane travellers make that could be making them sick. 

While using a bathroom on a plane is never a particularly pleasant experience, there is a simple oversight that can make the ordeal a whole lot worse. 

One thing a lot of people do, particularly on long haul flights, is use the plane lavatory to clean their teeth and refresh. 

However, this could make you sick as the water there is not meant to be drunk.

Speaking to UK bathroom specialists Sanctuary Bathrooms, the cabin crew member, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “Do not clean your teeth in a plane loo.”

“The water on a plane all comes from the same water tank and it is not filtered.”

They added that if you wish to clean your teeth on the plane, it's best to opt for bottled water. 

“My main piece of advice would be, do not take your toothbrush or wash bag anywhere near a plane loo,” the flight attendant said, given “the bathroom toilet is one of the dirtiest places on the plane”.

The crew member then went on to reveal ways to avoid getting sick when using the bathroom onboard the plane. 

They suggest wearing a mask when you’re in the bathroom, as the air ventilation is poor in the small room, making it a perfect breeding ground for germs. 

They also said by avoiding touching surfaces, travellers can reduce their contact with germs and bacteria. 

The flight attendant also recommended carrying hand sanitiser and showering as soon as you can once getting off your plane to get rid of any unwanted germs from your skin and clothes.

Image credits: Getty Images

travel tips, flight attendant, plane, bathroom, sick