Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

How to manage poor vision while on holidays

Poor vision can have a huge impact on our day to day lives, but it doesn’t mean your next holiday should remain a pipedream. With planning, preparation and patience, it’s still possible to enjoy travel. Here are four tips for managing poor vision on holidays.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance

Whether you’re talking about hotel staff or airline crew, travel employees at various points of your trip will be able to provide assistance and help make life easier for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – it really is part of their job and they’ll be more than accommodating. Many activity companies also have measures in place to accommodate the visually impaired.

2. Make sure you’re packed and prepared

Write a list before you go of everything you need to manage your vision problems (such as contact lenses, cleaning solutions and medication) and make sure you pack two of every item. It’s generally a good idea to keep these in separate bags in case one goes missing.

3. Leave plenty of time to make your connections

Rushing through a crowded train station can be testing at the best of time, let alone when you’re managing vision problems. If possible, try to make your movements outside peak transit hours and make sure you’ve left plenty of time to make all your connections.

4. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious

While many people would think that vision problems could seriously impact the amount of activities you could take, don’t be afraid to be ambitious in your trip planning. Many travel companies offer ways the visually impaired can enjoy their popular attractions. 

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travel, holiday, health, eyes, vision