Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

What you need to know about volunteering abroad

Ellen Varoy from International Volunteer HQ, a leading volunteer abroad organisation that provides safe, quality and affordable volunteering programs in developing countries around the world, runs through the steps involved in volunteering oversees.

If you’re a passionate traveller seeking meaningful retirement opportunities, volunteering overseas could be the perfect opportunity for you to experience a new country and culture, while contributing your skills and experience to a community that values your support. This could see you teaching English in Thailand, supporting an NGO in Italy, or joining conservation efforts in New Zealand.

While volunteering abroad is commonly associated with young travellers, hundreds of seniors are choosing to volunteer with IVHQ each year, delivering a great deal of value to the communities in which we work. The mix of life experience, skills and patience that older volunteers bring is invaluable to their volunteer work.

If you’re a first-time volunteer traveller, we make it easy and affordable to organise a program that aligns with your interests and skill set, allowing you to make a valuable contribution to a community overseas. You can choose how long you want to volunteer for, the type of work you want to get involved in, and you have the choice of volunteering in over 35 destinations. Prior to departure, you’ll be supported every step of the way by a dedicated IVHQ Program Manager, and once you arrive in your host country, you’ll be well looked after by the local team with your airport pick-up, accommodation and meals all taken care of.

So how can you get started on an international volunteering adventure? Here are seven simple steps to set you in the right direction...

1. Choose a project

Aligning your unique skills and life experience with a project that you're passionate about will help determine the most suitable destination for you. With IVHQ, you can choose from a diverse range of volunteer projects, including Teaching English, NGO Support, Healthcare, Childcare, Construction and Renovation, Sports Development, Turtle Conservation and Wildlife Conservation - see the full range of volunteer opportunities here. 

2. Choose a destination

Once you have a project in mind, you can begin narrowing down your destination options based on the type of projects available. Consider whether you have a second language that you’re looking practise, or perhaps you’ve always been fascinated by a particular country and would like to experience living like a local here. Thinking about how you would like to spend your free time and weekends is also helpful in determining the most suitable destination for you.

3. Choose a date and duration

Our programs run year-round, giving you the flexibility to decide when you wish to travel. Whether you’re looking to volunteer for one week or six months, you can feel confident that you’ll be contributing to sustainable and impactful projects and building on the work of previous volunteers.

4. Apply

Once you have decided on a project and destination, and determined your travel dates, you are ready to apply. All you need is internet access and five minutes to complete the application form. Within 48 hours of submitting your application, an IVHQ Program Manager will be in touch to acknowledge your application and explain the next steps for registering to confirm your place. Applying at least three months in advance is recommended to allow adequate time for preparation and to ensure you don't miss out on a place on your chosen program.

5. Register and book your flights

After paying the registration fee, your place on the program is confirmed and you can go ahead and book your flights to your chosen destination. You are welcome to book your flights through your local travel agent, or through IVHQ’s flights provider, STA Travel. If you have any questions about flight schedules and airport pick-ups, your Program Manager will always be available to answer any questions you may have.

6. Prepare

Ensuring that you are well prepared for your volunteer program is one of the most important steps. Once you have registered for an IVHQ program, you will be given access to a suite of online preparation tools, which includes a series of interactive volunteer training modules. Each module provides a series of interactive scenarios designed to build an understanding of important aspects of volunteering that need to be considered before embarking on an IVHQ program. Your Program Manager will also be available to offer ongoing support and answer any questions that arise during the preparation process.

7. Depart

Now it's time to set off on your volunteering adventure with the confidence that a friendly member of IVHQ’s local team will be waiting to greet you at the airport. You'll then be transported to your accommodation, where you'll be living alongside a group of other international volunteers. The local team will take you through a comprehensive orientation and introduce you to your volunteering project. They’re committed to ensuring you are well supported throughout your volunteer program and that your experience is a meaningful one.

Have you volunteered overseas? Share your experience with us in the comments below.

Related links:

The ins and outs of volunteering holidays

Everything you need to know about solo travel

10 secret travel tips that will save you money

travel, volunteer, overseas, charity, Volunteering