Travel Trouble

Lowest act: Thieves steal gear to pose as firefighters and beg for fake donations

A NSW fire station has warned residents to keep an eye out as thieves stole firefighter gear from the station and could be posing as fireys to get donations from unaware locals.

Wyong Fire Station, on the Central Coast of NSW, was broken into on Saturday night and alerted locals to what had been stolen in a Facebook post.

Yellow fire helmets, bushfire jackets and gloves, ID cards, goggles, shirts and trousers as well as white flash hoods resembling balaclavas were stolen.

“All of these items are clearly marked or branded with FRNSW logos and some of these will have firefighters names on them,” the post read.

The post ended by saying that FRNSW “do not door knock or go around asking for monetary donations or discounts”.

Hundreds have since commented on the post, condemning the thieves’ actions.

“What is wrong with these people?” one woman said.

“This is just the lowest act,” another person said.

“This is horrible, hard to believe that someone could be this low or do something like this. Hope they find the grub!” another wrote.

A man commented saying that they saw a ‘solo door knocker’ when driving.

“Saw a ‘solo door knocker’ in Gorokan, Dudley St about an hour ago when driving. Was a man, dressed in RFS and holding a bucket.

“I have notified the station, maybe keep an eye out if in Gorokan.”

thieves, donations, fire fighters, fireys, wyong