Readers response: What is on your anti travel bucket list?

When it comes to travelling, lots of people have a bucket list of places they would love to go and things they would love to experience.
But in a similar vain, many travellers have a strict list of places they don't wish to go, and things they can do without ever experiencing.
We asked our readers what's on their anti travel bucket lists, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.
Deedee Cullum - Large, busy airports where your connecting flight is at the other end of the building.
Colleen Burgess - The middle seat on every airline!
Karen Ambrose - We won’t go to America due to the gun culture there. Too dangerous.
Sue Bailey - Any travel without comprehensive travel insurance - a 'must have'. If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel.
Sarah Archie - USA, China, war countries, countries renowned for civil unrest.
Faye Grave - Bali.
Pam Coppock - Anywhere outside Australia for me.
Russell Drury - Cruise.
Carol O'Brien - Dealing with unruly passengers on planes & long haul flights.
Judi Tracey - Dubai. A dear friend of mine was spat in the face there.
Vincent Cole - Qantas!
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