Travel Trouble

Six and out: Police hand out hefty fines at backyard cricket match

A group of friends have played what is probably the most expensive game of cricket after Victoria Police fined each of them for breaching the state’s social distancing rules.

Footage of the incident shows the officers writing up the group of five for “having a game of backyard cricket”.

However, the group are standing on the edge of what appears to be a public park or reserve – which would be breaking Victoria’s social distancing regulations.

Victoria has implemented some of the heftiest fines relating to coronavirus restrictions, with people caught breaking the law being penalised $1,652.

Victoria Police said it would not comment on individual fines however the state has issued close to three times more fines than any other state in Australia, as they conduct spot checks on thousands of homes and businesses.

In the past 24 hours alone, Victoria Police conducted 957 spot checks on homes, businesses and non-essential services as part of Operation Sentinel.

Since March 21, when the state put forward coronavirus restrictions, Victoria Police has conducted a total of 15,232 spot checks.

But the confusion remains as to what could leave you with a fine and what’s OK.

Victoria’s stage three shutdown means residents are permitted to leave the house under four circumstances; for food and supplies, medical care and care giving, exercise and work or education.

Victoria, coronavirus, cricket, fine