Alex O'Brien


What to look for in a good Airbnb guest

What to look for in a good Airbnb guest

For most hosts, the most common aspect that they struggle with when listing a property on Airbnb is the idea of welcoming strangers into their home. On the bright side, Airbnb allows hosts to pick and choose these strangers by publishing guest profiles and reviews, while opening up the platform for communication between users. 

So that you end up picking the right guests for you, there are a few simple things to look out for while using Airbnb.

1. Make a list

Prepare a set of ideal guest criteria to resort to every time you encounter a booking request on Airbnb. It’s easy to bend to will at the time, so the list will remind you of who you really would want to have in your home. You don’t have to (and probably shouldn’t) make these attributes obvious on your listing, but if you don’t want any teenagers staying with you, it’s perfectly fine to decline their booking request.

2. Look at their verification

Hosts have the opportunity to require their guests to have verified ID badges, which essentially confirms that your guests are who they say they are. Provided this is something you decide to require; you will have to become verified first. Taking this sort of action will help weed out some unqualified guests before you spend the unnecessary time assessing them.

3. Look at their profile

When you get a reservation request, you can click through to you potential guests profile to see more about them. Users will often write a little “about me” so you can see if your personalities will be compatible. 

4. Read their reviews

Users profiles will also feature reviews from other people who have hosted them. So, if you still can’t make up your mind about them, let other people’s experience guide you.

Related links:

A step-by-step guide to booking a home on Airbnb

How I use Airbnb to make money in retirement

Using Airbnb helped me publish a children’s book

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