Alex O'Brien


Over60 Airbnb hosts on the 10 items all great hosts should provide

Over60 Airbnb hosts on the 10 items all great hosts should provide

Hosting your spare room or holiday home on Airbnb is a great way to make some extra money and meet new people from all over the world. If you’re new to hosting a bed and breakfast, it can be hard to know what you should provide your guests. We asked Over60s who are hosting on Airbnb to share the items they like to provide their guests to get them great five-star reviews.

  1. Guide to the areaWendy Gaillina provides guests with tourist brochures, magazines and books of the local area.
  2. Extra condiments Rob Last, 69, supplies generous provisions like tea, coffee, sugar, olive oil, vinegar, vegemite, soy sauce, honey, maple syrup, salt and pepper in the kitchen.
  3. Entertainment optionsCarolyn Le Grand, 65says to offer “plenty of DVDs and games” in case weather is bad or your guests are tired of sightseeing and want to stay in.
  4. Toiletries and cleaning supplies – Provide guests with “toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, bath soap, shampoo, dishwasher tablets, laundry detergent, rubbish bags, batteries, radios, power packs in every room,” advises Rob.
  5. Quality linens and towels – Louanne and Jim King suggest not to cut corners on comfort. “We have quality linens for sleeping comfort,” Louanne says.
  6. Welcome basket – Suzanne Leavesley, 61, provides her guest with “freshly baked bread, and some free range eggs [from her 20 chickens].” What can you provide in your welcome basket to add extra value?
  7. Iron – This little extra isoften forgotten but as Helen advises “an iron and ironing board” will be appreciated by guests who are travelling from overseas or attending events.
  8. Personalised welcome greeting – “We always leave a personalised welcome greeting, tailored to the guests’ needs and interests,” say Louanne and Jim.
  9. Washer and dryer – Carolyn provides washing and drying facilities so guests, especially those who are travelling for long periods, can do laundry.
  10. Bottle of wine – To show appreciation for long-term guests, Louanne and Jim leave a chilled bottle of wine for guests to enjoy.

Interested in hosting on Airbnb? Find more information here.

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