Danielle McCarthy


Christopher Reeve’s grown up son hopes his parents are proud of him

Christopher Reeve’s grown up son hopes his parents are proud of him

The son of the late actor Christopher Reeve has written an emotional letter to his 13-year-old self about the “lowest point” in his life.

Will Reeve, 26, wrote his vulnerable thoughts for CBS’s series ‘Note to Self: Inspiring Words From Inspiring People’.

The sports journalist lost both of his parents at a young age after his famous dad died in 2004 and his mum, Dana Reeve, died less than two years later from lung cancer.

Will told his younger self that in all his life, there is “no obstacle greater” than learning to move through life without his parents.

While he admits that he still doesn’t have it all figured out, he said that his focus is to live a life that will make his parents proud.

Read his full letter here:

Dear Will,

I've got good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad, because you always need to know exactly what's going on, no matter what. That won't change, by the way. The bad news is: You're at the lowest point of your life. You're in a hospital room in New York City, and you've just said your final goodbye to Mom.

You're 13. She's 44. Lung cancer. Never smoked. Gone, just like Dad, who died a year-and-a-half ago, which at the time was the lowest you had been. Now you're at a new bottom and you're terrified and confused and just so sad.

But! Here's the good news: this is the low point. There's nowhere to go but up, and that's exactly where you're headed.

You will always remember the good stuff. Dad in the driveway teaching you how to ride a bike just by telling you what to do, you trusting him so fully that you just do it. Mom's singing voice filling the air with sweetness at home and in the car to school.

How lucky are you that in her final moments, when she finally had to accept that she was dying, Mom knew where to put you? She signed you over to the Pucci's, your next-door neighbors, your second family and now your adoptive family. You'll move in with them and love them as fiercely and fully as they love you.

There will be times when you will feel lost. You will feel insecure, less about the braces and bad haircut you have now and more about the choices you make, the direction of your career, missteps in relationships and social settings, but don't worry.

You'll keep playing sports and singing in musicals and you'll get good grades and make great friends and you'll feel encouraged, supported and loved.

You love to write and it will be essential at your dream job, reporting and anchoring at ESPN, where you promised mom and dad you would work one day. When you get that call, you'll want to call them and tell them the great news and of course, you can't, but you know that they already know.

To millions of people, they embody love and loyalty, commitment and courage, perseverance and hope. You'll make them proud by honoring your family name, not by using it for special treatment but by living a life worthy of its legacy.

Some days, like when you join the board of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, you'll feel like you're doing a great job. Other times, like when your work-play balance gets a little too skewed toward fun, or you're lazy or rude or selfish, you'll feel nothing but shame.

It sounds simple and clichéd, but just be you. Because you are what will make mom and dad most proud. Every moment you spent with them, they were preparing you for a life without them. You have their values and Mom's eyes and Dad's smile.

I want you to know that we do not have all of this figured out. But you know that in the years ahead, you will face no obstacle greater than the one you are starting to overcome right now, and no matter which way your journey leads, mom and dad will be there with you every step of the way. How lucky are you?

Sincerely, Will

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