Charlotte Foster


Keanu Reeves donates his Matrix salary to cancer research

Keanu Reeves donates his Matrix salary to cancer research

Hollywood's nicest guy Keanu Reeves has reportedly donated 70% of his salary from The Matrix to cancer research. 

The 57-year-old Canadian actor made $14 million for the 1999 sci-fi hit film, before earning another $49 million after its impressive release at the box office. 

According to Lad Bible, Keanu gave approximately $44 million of those earnings to leukaemia research, after his sister Kim was diagnosed with blood cancer in 1991. 

Kim, who is now 55-years-old battled the condition for 10 years before entering remission, as Keanu put his career on hold - which included the back-to-back Matrix sequels - to take care of her. 

He later started his own cancer fund, but didn't make it known to the public for several years. 

“I have a private foundation that’s been running for five or six years, and it helps aid a couple of children’s hospitals and cancer research,” Reeves told Ladies Home Journal in 2009.

“I don’t like to attach my name to it, I just let the foundation do what it does.”

The foundation provides critical funding for research into cancer, while also supporting both children's wards and kids' hospitals. 

This is not the first time Keanu Reeves has parted with his impressive movie salary to help others, as he has previously given up to $125 million to save at-risk jobs so people could stay employed. 

Image credits: Getty Images

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