Charlotte Foster


Readers respond: What was the first ever album you bought?

Readers respond: What was the first ever album you bought?

Everyone has that early album that made them fall in love with music and changed who they are.

For many, the first album you buy stays one of your favourite records throughout your life, because the hits you love never truly grow old.

We asked our readers what the first album they bought was, and the response was overwhelming.

Here's what they said.

Diane Brown - Carol King's Tapestry and Rod Stewart's Every Picture Tells a Story.

Kerrie Ross - Sound of Music 33rpm I was in Primary School.

Julie Ennor - The Beatles, Hard Days Night.

Wilma Bill Towells - Soundtrack to My Fair Lady, probably 70 years ago.

Suzanne Jones - ABBA! It was a birthday gift along with my first turn table. 

Carol Anderson - Joe Cocker, the album. Loved him ever since 1972, and I have seen him live many times.

Josephine Cray - Get Yer Ya-Yas Out, by the Rolling Stones. Still their best!

Annie Barry - Best of 1969. l was 12 and my Mum got it for my Christmas present.

Mandy Goldsworthy - Let It Be by The Beatles for Christmas in 1971. 

Ann Drobnic - Roy Orbison's Greatest Hits.

Kaye Hillary - The best of Janis Joplin

Sharon White - Soundtrack to Oliver followed closely by Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye.

Christine Mulhall - The Righteous Bros Greatest Hits.

Marilyn Atkinson - Atlantic's Bombora, still have it!

Phill Johnston - Teaser and the Firecat by Cat Stevens.

Deni Symington - Schools Out, by Alice Cooper.

Sue Crofts - The Rolling Stones - title of the first album they did. 1964.

Glen Crawford - I bought 2 with my first pay in February 1966. Most of The Animals and The Rolling Stones Big Hits High Tide and Green Grass.

Christine Stanway - Sergeant Pepper’s in February 1970 with my first pay check.

Jan Franklyn - Singing the Blues by Guy Mitchell. An old 78 record and still have it.

Image credits: Getty Images

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