How to save money on your computer running costs

Many homes have a computer, and once you bring it home you might not think too much about how much it is costing you. But if you are trying to save money, there are ways that you can actually be saving money on the cost of running your home computer or laptop.
1. Ask around before you buy
You might think you need a certain type or brand of computer, but in fact there may be better options for you. For instance there’s no need for you to own a laptop if you only ever plan to use it in the same place each time. A great tip before you buy is to ask your friends what they love and hate about their computer. This might give you some insight into what the best option is for you.
2. See if you can get a pre-loved computer
Many people upgrade their computers even though their old machine is still in perfect working order. If you are only using your computer for internet searches, email and word processing, you may be perfectly happy with a second hand or reconditioned computer. Check out the local computer store, ask around your friends, or look on sites like Gumtree. You might find yourself a bargain that is ideal for your needs.
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3. Let your computer rest when you are
There’s no need to leave your computer on, or on standby, when you aren’t using it. The running cost of the power alone could save you serious cash each year in energy bills. Get into the habit of turning the computer off, at least overnight.
4. Give your computer a checkup before replacing it
Many computer repair shops can take a look at your computer and tell you if it needs to be replaced or repaired. Sometimes your computer is so full of old files, movies and music that it is slowing down everything else. A clear out of old files as well as a lower cost option like replacing the hard drive (instead of the whole machine) can save you stacks in the long run.
5. Combine and save with one bill
Instead of paying for your internet as a stand-alone bill, you may be able to save some cash by joining it up with your home phone or mobile phone plan. Give your current provider a call and ask.
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Have you got any other ways to save money as a computer owner? We would love to hear from you in the comments.