Kochie’s surprise return to Sunrise

David Koch has shocked Sunrise viewers by making a surprise return to the Channel Seven morning show, two months after leaving his long-standing hosting role.
While dropping in to share the details of this next business venture with Nat Barr and Matt Shirvington, Kochie revealed how his life has changed since he left Sunrise in June.
He admitted that he’s not missing the early morning starts, after 20 years of waking up at 3:30am for the show, saying, “I feel like a new man.”
But while Kochie has been revelling in the sleep-ins, he said that his wife Libby has been feeling a little put out by his presence.
“I’m not sure Lib is enjoying me being awake so late at night because it interrupts all of her shows,” he said.
“She still keeps the zapper and goes ‘Nick off! You can’t control that!’”
Kochie admitted that while he’s enjoying “working business hours now”, he does miss his TV career a little.
“A bit of me does, but it was time to go and do something else,” he admitted.
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Kochie appeared on Sunrise to chat about his new role as the economic director of price comparison website Compare the Market.
While chatting to his former colleagues, Kochie addressed the awkward moment at the recent Logie awards in which he was targeted by host Sam Pang.
During the award ceremony, Pang paid tribute to the recently retired Sunrise host who “changed breakfast television forever. Warmth, humour, personality... you needed none of those.”
Kochie said he wasn’t offended by the gags, saying, “He can only say that because we know it’s true!”
“He did such a great job and the gags were really good. Sam is really clever because he never makes them vicious or personal or whatever. It was just a wonderful night.”
Image credits: Sunrise