Rizna Mutmainah


Calls to change "racist" beach name

Calls to change "racist" beach name

There are calls to rename Chinamans Beach in Sydney due to its "racist" connotations. 

The popular beach in Mosman has long been in the centre of debate around the use of the term Chinaman. 

Chinese Australian Osmond Chiu is determined to have the name of the beach changed, saying that the word is often used as a racist slur. 

“The term ‘Chinaman’ is derogatory and primarily used as a racist slur against people of Chinese or East Asian appearance,” Chiu told the Mosman Collective

“It is jarring to have a place named ‘Chinamans Beach’ in the city that I was born and grew up in as if there is nothing wrong with it.

“We would never name a place or even refer to someone as a ‘Chinaman’ today, which speaks volumes about the term.”

The beach's name is associated with nearby market gardens that was run by people from the Chinese community during the 1800s.

According to SBS, a man named Cho Hi Tick leased the land and created the market gardens back in the day. 

And Chiu suggests that it should be named after Tick. 

“While it may be uncomfortable for some people, this is about having an open and frank discussion about the term [Chinaman] and its history,” he added.

However, Sophie-Loy Wilson, a senior lecturer in history at the University of Sydney believes that the beach was previously called Rosherville Beach before it was renamed in 1977 to reflect the Chinese fishermen who liked to go fishing in the surrounding areas. 

“Before the advent of refrigeration, Chinese fishermen were very important in Australia because they understood how to cure, smoke and preserve fish,” she said.

The push to change the beach's name has been an ongoing battle, and last year Western Australia Labor MP Pierre Yang called for a change for places with the word “Chinaman” in their names.

There are around 300 spots around Australia with the word "Chinaman" in it. 

Yang told the Legislative Council in June 2023 that Chinaman is  a “racist term, derogatory and contemptuous in nature”.

“In 21st century multicultural Australia and multicultural WA, this word is no longer acceptable, and that’s why we don’t hear this word often," Yang said. 

However, many are also defending the current name, including a few residents of Chinese descent. 

“Nothing racist about it in my opinion – no negative connotations. It’s a beautiful beach named after beautiful people – no dramas,” one person wrote on Instagram.

“It’s becoming more ridiculous all the time! What else will we need to change and deny from the past? It’s a beautiful beach. why would that offend anyone?” another wrote.

Another second-generation Chinese Australian said that the name is not offensive, “and in fact, I’m currently based in Singapore living on a street called Cantonment Road – which means the same bloody thing.

"We need to own and accept our history, both the good and bad. And stop trying to rewrite it." 

“I am of Chinese descent and I don’t find anything derogatory about it,” another added. 

A Mosman Council spokesperson told news.com.au that renaming places and localities is a matter for the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

“Council is not aware of any future renaming plans,” the spokesperson said.

The GNB also said that they have not received a proposal to rename or dual name Chinamans Beach. 

Images: Shutterstock

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