Alex Cracknell


Details of Erin Patterson's police statement around fatal mushroom meal revealed

Details of Erin Patterson's police statement around fatal mushroom meal revealed

The woman who prepared a mushroom meal that is believed to have caused the deaths of three individuals has finally disclosed her full account of the events that transpired.

According to a written statement submitted to Victoria Police on Friday August 11 – and exclusively obtained by the ABC – Erin Patterson has provided a comprehensive narrative of the incidents leading up to and following the fatal meal.

"I am now wanting to clear up the record because I have become extremely stressed and overwhelmed by the deaths of my loved ones," Ms Patterson said in her statement. "I am hoping this statement might help in some way. I believe if people understood the background more, they would not be so quick to rush to judgement. I am now devastated to think that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness suffered by my loved ones. I really want to repeat that I had absolutely no reason to hurt these people whom I loved."

The tragic incident occurred in Leongatha, a town southeast of Melbourne, where Ms. Patterson's mother and father-in-law, Don and Gail Patterson, as well as Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson, lost their lives after consuming lunch at Ms. Patterson's residence on July 29. Heather's husband, Ian Wilkinson, was left in critical condition.

The circumstances surrounding the incident have led to speculation within the South Gippsland community, with heightened curiosity as police have been tight-lipped about their ongoing investigation.

Authorities have mentioned that the victims displayed symptoms consistent with the consumption of death cap mushrooms. Although Ms. Patterson was initially treated as a suspect, investigators have maintained an open-minded approach to the case.

In her statement, Ms. Patterson expressed regret for following the advice to give a "no comment" interview to the police in the immediate aftermath of the deaths. She admitted that she now wishes she had answered some questions, given the nightmare that has unfolded since.

The police interview left Ms. Patterson feeling terrified and anxious. She recounted that on the day of the incident, she prepared a beef wellington meal for herself and her elderly guests. Contrary to earlier reports, Ms. Patterson clarified that her children had actually gone to the movies before lunch and were not present during the meal.

According to her statement, she served the meal and allowed her guests to select their own plates. She then had a serving of beef wellington herself. The mushrooms used in the dish were a mixture of button mushrooms from a major supermarket chain and dried mushrooms purchased months earlier from an Asian grocery store in Melbourne.

Ms. Patterson disclosed that her children consumed the leftovers the next evening. Notably, they do not like mushrooms, so she had removed the mushrooms from their portions.

She revealed that she had also suffered from severe stomach pains and diarrhoea after the lunch, leading her to be hospitalised as well. She was administered a liver protective drug via a saline drip and was transferred to Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne.

As her guests fell ill, the Department of Health contacted Ms. Patterson to inquire about the possible cause of the adverse reactions. She provided samples of the leftover meal for examination by hospital toxicologists. She also mentioned sharing information about where she purchased the mushrooms but was unable to pinpoint the specific shop in Melbourne.

Addressing media reports about the seizure of a food dehydrator at a local tip, Ms. Patterson admitted that she had initially lied to investigators about disposing of the dehydrator. She stated that she panicked due to concerns about her children's custody and discarded it.

In her statement, she acknowledged caring for her estranged husband, Simon Patterson, after he suffered a severe stomach illness unrelated to the current incident. She reluctantly nursed him after his hospital discharge and informed him that she did not wish to reconcile. She clarified that Simon had initially intended to attend the fatal lunch but had informed her of his absence prior to the event.

Ms. Patterson expressed deep affection and respect for her parents-in-law and highlighted their positive influence on her children. She offered her willingness to assist the police further, including the possibility of a re-interview.

The police investigation into the deaths remains ongoing, and Ms. Patterson has indicated her readiness to cooperate.

Images: Facebook / A Current Affair

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