Man fined after beating four-month-old puppy

A man from Perth has been found guilty of beating his pet puppy and unleashing verbal threats at an animal welfare inspector.
The man, 44, slapped the four-month-old Boerboel named Hank on the head and just five minutes later punched the puppy as many as five times across the face, Joondalup Magistrates Court was told.
The two attacks unfolded at the offender’s home in Butler.
A witness report and video evidence were enough for an RSPCA WA inspector to obtain a warrant and enter the man’s home alongside WA Police.
The owner admitted losing his cool at his pet after it had been to the toilet inside the house.
Hank was taken into care at the RSPCA’s Malaga animal care centre. Inspector manager Kylie Green said there was never an excuse to physically harm an animal.
The man was fined $3000 for the attack on his pet and banned from being in contact with animals for five years.
He has also been fined $800 for verbally abusing and threatening an RSPCA inspector and ordered to pay costs of $615.