Charlotte Foster


Russell Hill's daughter shares her outrage over Greg Lynn's sentence

Russell Hill's daughter shares her outrage over Greg Lynn's sentence

Russell Hill's daughter has expressed her anger over the jury's verdict of former pilot Greg Lynn, who was found not guilty for Hill's murder. 

Greg Lynn faced a lengthy trial over the deaths of campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay, but after a week of jury deliberations, was only found guilty for the murder of Carol and was cleared of charges relating to Russell's death. 

Following the shock verdict, Hill's daughter Debbi, said she was “angry” at the jury and that she felt her father didn’t get the justice he deserved. 

“It’s new, we’ve only just found out, but the more I think about it, the more angry I get at the fact that it didn’t have to be this way,” Ms Hill told 60 Minutes on Sunday. 

“My dad was not a violent person in any way. He wouldn’t have provoked anything.”

Ms Hill went on to say that she thinks about what happened to her father every day. 

“I’m just really angry that he went camping that day, that time, that he is the person he is and he happened to be right there with my dad and Carol, and this is what happened,” she said. 

“I think it was just really bad luck for Dad and Carol that they were there at the time, but it wouldn’t have happened if he [Lynn] wasn’t such an awful person.”

After the trial concluded, more information has come to light about Lynn's past after non-publication orders were lifted.

His first wife Lisa Lynn, 34, was found dead in the front yard of her home in 1999, with a coroner’s report indicating a blood-alcohol level of 0.21 and high levels of anti-depression medication present in her system at the time of her death. 

No suicide note was ever found and Lynn was never charged over her death, however detectives are now looking to have the Victorian coroner conduct a full inquest into the 1999 death.

Ms Hill said it was quite concerning to learn about Lynn’s history, saying, “I hope he doesn’t get away with this, but I’ve lost a bit of faith in the whole system.”

“I’m not trusting of it now. We’ll have to wait and see. He’s just such a terrible person.”

Image credits: Facebook / Victoria Police 

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