Money & Banking
8 items you should stop paying for today

Budgeting can be difficult, but sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Especially when you consider the fact that a number of our weekly expenses for are actually available for free, or at a significant discount when purchased elsewhere.
Expenses like these are often small on a one-off basis, but over time they start to add up and opting for the alternative can save you a lot of money in the long run.
In this spirit, here’s a helpful list containing eight items you should stop paying for today:
1. ATM fees and charges – Hundreds of millions of Aussie dollars are spent every year on ATM fees and charges. Avoiding off-brand ATMs can be inconvenient at times, but over the course of the year you will end up saving money that is really yours in the first place.
2. Bottled water – At $2 a pop, bottled water seems an inexpensive purchase, but over the course of a year these expenses add up. Opt for a refillable water bottle instead.
3. Magazines – When purchased individually magazines can be expensive. If you don’t want to get a subscription, consider Zinio, which gives you inexpensive access to over 5,500 magazine titles on your PC, phone or table.
4. Music, books and DVDs – While your local library is always a good option when it comes to saving on these luxury expenses, it’s also worth considering services like Spotify, Pandora as well as Free E-books and Project Gutenberg.
5. International phone calls – Apps like Skype and WhatsApp have transformed overseas communication, allowing you to talk with someone one the other side of the world without the hefty telephone bill.
6. Education – You’re never too late to start learning a new skill but that degree at a university is expensive. Coursera is a free app that allows you to access material from some of the world’s best education courses.
7. Lunch – While it’s nice to eat out every now and again, preparing your lunch at home can save you a lot of money over the course of a year and is definitely an option worth exploring, particularly if you’re a bit of a skilled operator in the kitchen.
8. Fitness fads – So much money is spend and wasted on gym memberships and fad gear every year. Instead, why not try the free, arguably as effective option of going for a walk, jog or work out a one of the council’s free fitness stations.
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