Money & Banking
Woolies shoppers go wild over new trolley feature

The video, which has been viewed 1.4 million times, shows the trolley being disinfected by a machine inside a Woolworths store in Oran Park, Sydney.
The device allows shoppers to use a freshly disinfected trolley to do their shopping but is currently only being trialled in Oran Park.
Some were fans of the device, but others were quick to point out the flaws of the machine.
"She’s already touched it," one wrote.
"But you still have to touch it to put it In there to sterilise it, so then anything that was on it is now on your hands," another person agreed.

Woolworths is currently trailing ways to keep its "customers and teams safe" during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As a food retailer, we already have very high standards of cleaning and hygiene in our supermarkets including the thorough cleaning of high touchpoint areas including shopping trolleys,” she said.
As part of our COVIDsafe program, we are trialling a bespoke customer trolley disinfectant unit at our Oran Park store, which enables customers to push a trolley into a dedicated standalone unit where it is sprayed with disinfectant.
By completing the cleaning process in under two seconds, the initiative is proving very popular with customers looking for a fast and efficient way to clean their trolleys.”
The trolley cleaner is currently in trial mode, but Woolworths said it would "closely monitor feedback over the coming weeks".