Michelle Reed

Retirement Income

5 reasons to consider volunteering abroad

5 reasons to consider volunteering abroad

As compelling as those Bold and the Beautiful reruns are, there comes a time where you have to ask yourself, “Is this really what I imagined my retirement to look like?” An increasing number of people are using the extra time they gain in retirement as an opportunity to give back to the world. We’ve taken a look at the reasons why you should consider volunteering overseas in retirement.

Judith Brodie, Voluntary Service Overseas UK director, told The Guardian, “The needs of the developing countries we are working in have changed over the 50 years since we started. They now require volunteers that have got more experience and higher levels of professional skills and that's then reflected in the age and experience that we seek in the volunteers that we recruit. This has coincided with an increase in the number of retirees that don't want to put their feet up ... when they retire and are looking for something quite different as they approach retirement.”

1. Experience a different culture

There’s nothing like getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing a new culture. Volunteering lets you get in from the ground floor and experience a different culture by actually living in it. If you’re looking for an authentic way to experience part of the world you can’t do much better.

2. Meet likeminded new people

One of the hardest things to do as you start to get older is meet new people, which is a shame because there are a lot of people out there and you owe it to yourself to meet as many of them as possible. Joining volunteering programs will have you on the front lines with such people.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

There’s nothing about “Bold and the Beautiful” re-runs that is getting you out of your comfort zone, and there’s never been a better time than retirement to be actively performing pursuits that improve yourself. Get out of your comfort zone with an international volunteering program.

4. Help different parts of the world

The reason a lot of these volunteering programs exist is because they have to. Unfortunately many parts of the world remain impoverished and in urgent need of assistance. By joining one of these programs you can make an active difference in the lives of those who need it most.

5. A different type of travel experience

The experience you get out of volunteering overseas is completely different to any other type of travel experience you can think of. And while it may not be as luxurious as other types of travel experiences, you will definitely end your trip with a sense of fulfilment and achievement.

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