Alex O'Brien


5 ways to overcome carsickness

5 ways to overcome carsickness

A problem faced by many, in some cases carsickness is so unbearable that people forego road trips altogether. Motion sickness in general is caused by a disagreement between the eyes and the inner ear. The inner ear tells the brain that the body is moving, but the eyes say that the body is motionless. This conflict leads to the many symptoms of motion sickness. Although there is no cure for this problem, there are some ways to make it travelling in the car more bearable.

1. Recognise the signs

When car or motion sickness first rears its ugly head, it can be a confusing feeling. If that feeling of slight nausea and dizziness turns more severe and you start to experience belching, warmth, headaches, sweating, and increased salivation, you should seek to exit the car as soon as you’re safely able to stop, as it’s likely you will need to be sick.

2. Fresh air

Simply opening a window can alleviate many symptoms, and also make your eyes more aware that you are moving so that it can catch up with the inner ear.

3. Block your view

This may seem strange, but taking sight out of the equation altogether may be helpful, especially if you can fall asleep.

4. Eat something dry

 Some data has shown that eating something dry, such as Salada crackers, may help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. This is because the dry food may soak up excess acid in the stomach.

5. Sit where you feel the least amount of motion

You may think your sister-in-law or friend wants to sit in the front seat for the extra legroom, but for car sick sufferers, it really is a safe haven. You tend to feel less motion upfront and also have a better line of sight ahead of you that communicates effectively to your eyes that you are moving. Also, never sit backwards.

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