Courtney Allan


Body language expert's verdict on The Queen and Donald Trump: "She mirrored his behaviour"

 Body language expert's verdict on The Queen and Donald Trump: "She mirrored his behaviour"

All eyes were on Donald Trump while he carries out his annual visit to the UK and visits the Queen.

Queen Elizabeth held a state banquet last night to welcome the US President and his family. She also had spent the day escorting him and the First Lady Melania Trump to sites around the UK, which included Westminster Abbey.

As the US President delivered his lengthy speech at the State Banquet, which was held in Buckingham Palace, a body language expert has weighed in on the body language displayed between Trump and the Queen.

Judi James, body language expert, told The Daily Mail that the pair seem to “genuinely be enjoying each other’s company”.

“The Queen and Trump chatting at the banquet shows high signs of rapport. Trump continued what he'd done earlier – bending down to speak to her at her level and leaning forward,” James explained.

“I haven't seen him smile like that before, it looked like genuine enjoyment and the Queen mirrored his behaviour. They looked as though they were chuckling about something together.”

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‘Tonight we celebrate an alliance that has helped to ensure the safety and prosperity of both our peoples for decades, and which I believe will endure for many years to come.’ This evening, a State Banquet was held in the Ballroom at Buckingham Palace in honour of the State Visit of the President and Mrs Trump. In her speech at the banquet, The Queen spoke of the mutual aims and beliefs of both countries, saying, ‘Mr President, as we look to the future, I am confident that our common values and shared interests will continue to unite us.’ The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Duke of York and The Earl and Countess of Wessex also attended the banquet. 📸 Press Association

A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on Jun 3, 2019 at 3:18pm PDT

James also pointed out that we are seeing a different side to Trump.

“We saw a different Trump when he stood to make his speech. He was aware of the worldwide audience and the impact it may have on his elections in the US.

“The showboating Trump was gone, he normally has a very exaggerated speaking style but this time we got a soft voice, raised chin and raised eyebrows. He was very sombre with serious emphasis on his words. Clearly overall, he was going for a look of dignity.”

There was even a moment when Trump made the Queen laugh.

“He made the Queen laugh once but I think it was unintentional, when he spoke about the beautiful weather,” said James.

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Today marks the start of the #USStateVisit. President Trump and Mrs. Melania Trump were met by The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall on the lawn before being welcomed by The Queen on the West Terrace of Buckingham Palace. Upon arrival a Royal Salute was fired by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery from Green Park (41 guns) and at the Tower of London by The Honourable Artillery Company (62 guns). The Guard of Honour, found by Nijmegen Company, Grenadier Guards, gave a Royal Salute before the US National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, was played by the Band of the Regiment. The President @realdonaldtrump accompanied by The Prince of Wales, inspected the Guard of Honour watched by The Queen, the First Lady and The Duchess of Cornwall.

A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on Jun 3, 2019 at 5:42am PDT

However, things quickly turned sour.

“She [The Queen] looked less amused when he called her a great, great woman. She did the modest British thing of sitting poker face.”

Trump’s speech addressed over 170 dignitaries and spoke about the bombing of Buckingham Palace. He also offered a toast to the “eternal friendship of our people”.

“On behalf of all Americans, I offer a toast to the eternal friendship of our people, the vitality of our nations and to the long cherished and truly remarkable reign of Her Majesty, the Queen,” Trump toasted.

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