Basmah Qazi


The grim reality of Sam Armytage’s 10kg weight loss

The grim reality of Sam Armytage’s 10kg weight loss

Weight Watchers' newest ambassador isn’t afraid of giving away her dress size, claiming she’s a size 12 and proud of it.

The Sunrise co-host appeared on The Morning Show yesterday to discuss her new gig, and how she used to be treated before her weight loss.

With the help of the diet program, the 42-year-old has lost 10kg so far but before she began her fitness journey, Armytage said that wardrobe assistants would comment on her size while dressing her.

Despite feeling grateful and “very lucky to have stylists in the job”, sometimes they’d ask, "This fitted you last week – what’s happened in a week?”

The media personality is now advocating against the “perfect size” saying that the mentality “had to stop".

Armytage credits her incredible transformation to a balanced lifestyle, saying she shed the kilos “without trying too hard, just being good and exercising again".

“The goal for me was, after 40, to be healthy and strong and get up at 3 am and still be a nice person in the afternoon!” she said.

“It’s really not about being skinny. I don’t want to lose too much more weight.”

In 2014, the journalist criticised The Daily Telegraph after they ran a story on her fashion mistakes.

“Wow. A newspaper bullying a woman about her weight – I thought those days were gone!” she tweeted.

She has also previously sent lawyers after the Daily Mail after they body shamed her for wearing “granny panties".

But thanks to her new role with WW, Sam is using “the attention” for a worthy cause.

Sitting down with Australian Women’s Weekly, she said: “I understand there will always be more scrutiny that comes with this … but the paparazzi are always already trying to take pictures of [me] where there is a fat roll showing. My mother said to me, ‘Darling, for Godsake, if they are already sitting outside your house taking pictures of you putting the bins out, why not just talk about it?’”

However, she is aware of the scrutiny that comes with openly talking about her weight, saying ambassadors are usually under a microscope for being too thin or too large.

“I don’t want to get caught up in silly social media trolling because it’s hateful and in my job, I’ve learned to just ignore that crap,” she said.

“This is about living [my] best life and being strong. People know inside whether they feel good or not. Losing a few kilos is part of that – and it’s only part of it. I’ve gone back to the gym, I’ve got a trainer, I box twice a week, I walk the dog every day. I don’t think that’s giving in to body shamers. This is about me feeling good and going into this next phase of my life, my 40s, feeling strong and having energy.”

“I have said it before, and I will say it again: I don’t want to be skinny. I have boobs, I have a bum, I have curves. I like being a woman with a womanly figure, so I don’t want to be skinny-skinny,” she said.

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