

“Liars killed her and her baby”: Desperate nurse’s anguished accusation

“Liars killed her and her baby”: Desperate nurse’s anguished accusation

A nurse has shared her own horrific story of losing a 14-year-old patient to coronavirus.

The US intensive care unit nurse, Jessica, revealed the young teen’s parents were anti-vaxxer.

Jessica recounted the "helpless" situation to Twitter, saying four patients died of the devastating illness in a single shift.

"Tonight I helplessly held the hand of and stroked the hair of a beautiful 14-year-old girl as she exited his world," she wrote on Twitter.

"She was looking forward to starting high school and eventually becoming a veterinarian. It was so senseless!

Jessica said her parents refused for their daughter to have a tube placed down her throat to assist with her breathing.

"I truly believe she could have been saved if her parents had not forbidden us from intubating her," Jessica explained.

"A free vaccination would have prevented it all! This little girl was robbed of her whole life and of fulfilling all of her dreams."

Image: Shutterstock

The teenage patient had been in hospital for nine days, prior to her death.

Jessica went on to share a number of deaths she believed were preventable had the patient received COVID vaccinations.

She said medical staff lost a 25-year-old mother who was 15 weeks pregnant, just two hours after the death of the young teen.

"She had refused the vaccines because of the lies about them causing infertility and harming her baby," Jessica explained.

The nurse went on to claim that anti-vax rhetoric was what was causing the deaths of otherwise healthy people.

"Liars killed her, her baby, and robbed a two-year-old little boy of his mommy and sibling. Not to mention robbing a husband of his wife and child."

The nurse said it was the first time since March that the hospital unit had lost more than three patients in one night.

A 45-year-old was the oldest to die that evening.

The vaccination rate across Australia shows that at least 50.2 per cent of people have had their first dose.

So far, 28.2 per cent are fully vaccinated.

Health Minister Greg Hunt has said rising rates reflected the "huge" turnouts for vaccinations.

"It is being sustained, so over a 10-day period now, we have had more than 2.4 million doses delivered," he said.

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