Rising star footy player dies at just 18

Rising football star Nick Campo has tragically died just two days after his 18th birthday.
The South Fremantle player was in the backseat of a ute when it crashed and rolled just before midnight in Perth, before the ute smashed into an oncoming SUV.
Two of Campo's teammates, Tyler Rowe and Josh Jackson, were also in the ute and were taken to hospital with injuries.
Cameron Britt, CEO of South Fremantle, said the club was in "deep shock" following the sudden tragedy.
"South Fremantle Football Club is deeply saddened by news of a car accident overnight involving several of our Colts players, resulting in the tragic death of South Fremantle footballer Nick Campo," he said.
"We are a club in deep shock, focused upon supporting our players, staff and their families in these tragic circumstances."
Campo's parents have also shared their heartbreak following the accident, saying their lives had been "ripped apart" by the sudden loss.
"In the early hours of this morning our beautiful son Nick passed away after he was involved in a tragic car accident," they said on Facebook.
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"Our lives have been ripped apart, 18 years old, a future with so much hope taken away, we are praying others in the car involved will be ok."
In Kalgoorlie, where Campo spent his childhood, his former club described him as "a popular friend to many" with a "life full of promise that was taken way too soon".
Image credits: Nine