Joel Callen


Great apps for the hearing impaired

Great apps for the hearing impaired

These great apps for smartphones specifically designed to help people with hearing loss will make your life a little bit easier.

uHear, free 

uHear lets you test your hearing at a push of a button. You can take three tests – hearing sensitivity, speech in noise and a questionnaire – to determine if your hearing is within the normal range or if you have potential hearing loss.

TooLoud?, $1.29 

This nifty app analyses the sound of any given space and provides a live graph of the decibel level. It will also notify you if you are putting your ears at risk!

Related link - Everyday sounds that could be damaging your hearing

Hearing Loss Simulator, $2.49

It’s hard to explain hearing loss to a loved one so let this app do it for you. The Hearing Loss Simulator allows you to choose a specific hearing loss configuration and then listen to sounds as though you have that particular hearing loss. It also includes graphics to show where the common sounds, speech, and individual speech sounds are located for loudness and frequency.

SoundAMP, $6.49

Use your smartphone like a hearing aid with SoundAMP. It processed sounds from the microphone and delivers it to you amplified over headphones in real time. There is also the function to adjust the tone to your liking, helping those who have hearing loss in specific tonal areas.

Tap Tap, $3.79

TapTap helps the hearing impaired respond to their audio environment. It will flash and vibrate when there are nearby noises such as a knocking door, honking car or a home phone ringing.

Related link:

How you can help someone with hearing loss 

The different types of hearing loss explained

5 reasons to cherish your sense of hearing 

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