10 sure-fire ways to make today a great day

Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t mean your day is doomed. Here are 10 small ways you can turn a bad day around and make it a great day.
1. Count your blessings
You only need to start the day with ONE positive thought and it can change the mood of your entire day. Remember a new day brings a fresh beginning so start the day positively by counting your blessings from the onset.
2. Compliment someone
It costs absolutely nothing to compliment or praise someone and it not only makes them smile, it will make you smile too.
3. Smile
Evidence suggests that just smiling and looking like you’re happy will boost your mood. Plus, a smile from a stranger is a good reminder that the world can be a caring and kind place. Be that stranger!
4. Listen to good music
Listening to your favourite tunes is a sure-fire way of lifting your mood. Check out our feel-good music playlist for songs that will put a smile on your dial.
5. Dance
A companion to the point, once you blast your favourite tunes get up and dance! Watch the world’s oldest flash mob dance for some inspiration.
6. Dress up
You don’t need to be going anywhere fancy. Wear your Sunday best and you’ll be feeling your best when you’re out and about.
7. Express your gratitude
One of the greatest contributing factors to overall personal happiness is how much gratitude you express. Tell someone in your life why you’re grateful for them.
8. Perform a random act of kindness
Whether it’s helping someone with a pram get down the stairs or holding a door open for a harried-looking person, lend a helping hand to someone in need. The seemingly insignificant interaction could just make someone’s day! Read more about how people feel happier when do good.
9. Get active
Exercising release those feel-good endorphins, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. Even if it’s just a brisk walk around the neighbourhood, you’ll feel better.
10. Tell someone you love them
Take the time to tell your loved ones that you love them! Who doesn’t love hearing those words? And we really don’t say them enough to the people who matter most in our lives.
Related links:
Video explains why meditation is good for your mind