Readers respond: What is an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?

We asked our readers what the biggest surprise of adulthood was, and their answers were hilariously honest.
From cooking everyday and having kids, to various aches and pains, here are all the adult problems that no one warned our readers about, before it was too late!
Jill Short - Needing to cook a meal every single night!!
Gail Fredericks - When you've got little kids, you can't go to the toilet on your own.
Diane Porter - Having to do your work and everyone else’s too, washing, shopping, cleaning, everything- unless you want to live in a pigsty and have nothing to eat.
Norma Fowler - Loss of mobility, the amount of paper work to get anything, the huge cost of nursing home care.
Julia Metcalfe - Being tired. All. The. Time.
Tolla Edda Anderson - Having to be more flexible as you age. That is having to adapt faster to a faster pace of life.
Camellia Musumeci-Cali - How lonely it gets when your children leave home.
Annette Bradshaw - When getting older, my head would write cheque’s that my body can’t cash.
Lynda Gibbons - The aches and pains of old age.
Wendy McKnight - Your body growing old while your mind is stuck on 35.
Pam Garmony - Trying to figure out how to program ovens and microwaves when you stay away from home.
Ron Wright - The fact that the hill at the end of our street gets steeper every year.
Terri Vanderwerf - Thinking of things to eat for the rest of your life!
Fran Matthews - Not been able to move quickly, after 2 hips 2 knee replacements in old age!
Jim Mitchell - That the "golden years" actually don't have gold.
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