
Home & Garden

6 tricks that will make doing the laundry a breeze

6 tricks that will make doing the laundry a breeze

Spending more time on the laundry than on life? Try our six easy tricks to stay organised and save time.

1. Replace cumbersome laundry hampers with lightweight yet sturdy versions on wheels. These come in a variety of materials (plastic, fabric, slatted) but can be transported easily from room to room without the need to be carried.

2. Designate a spot for odd socks. If unmatched socks are the bane of your laundry existence, designate a spot on the wall where the singles can be hung while they await their mate. An easy way to do this is by affixing clothes pegs to the wall so that you can slip the offenders in place and keep an eye out for a match.

3. Buy in bulk and keep things looking pretty. Buying in bulk can be a fantastic cost saver when it comes to detergent and fabric softener. Removing small amounts of product however can be tricky. Try using large glass or plastic drink storage containers, labeled with paint or an adhesive label, for storage. You’ll be able to see exactly how much you’ve got to use and the spigot will mean removing enough for a wash is a breeze.

4. Maximise space with hanging storage. If you’re living in an apartment, space is always a premium. Your laundry is likely to be in a cupboard so maximise the space available by using wall mounted hooks or plastic baskets to store all your odds and ends.

5. Create an ironing station. If your ironing board falls out of the wardrobe every time you open the door, or is difficult to access, try creating a fixed ironing station out of a bookshelf and ironing board by mounting the board onto the top of the storage centre.

6. Get creative. Hanging laundry baskets are a great way to save space and keep your laundry looking slick. Affix sturdy canvas bags to the wall and then simply label with however you like to sort your laundry. Super quick and easy!

Related links:

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How to: homemade laundry powder and softener

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