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Cleaning products you should never mix

Cleaning products you should never mix

It might seem logical to mix cleaning products: if two products work well alone, they must be even more effective when combined, right? Well, not exactly. Because of the strong ingredients found in cleaning products, mixing them together can cause chemical reactions that can be unpleasant or even downright dangerous. Here is a list of cleaning products that you should never, ever mix.

1. Vinegar and bleach

Alone, each liquid is known to be a disinfectant. You might think it would be beneficial to combine their forces, but this could be a dangerous mistake. When mixed together, bleach and vinegar create chlorine gas. Chlorine gas affects the eyes, nose and mouth, and can range in effect anywhere from discomfort to death. Do yourself a favour and steer clear of this combination.

2. Bleach and ammonia

When bleach is combined with ammonia, which is found in many glass cleaners, it breaks down into hydrochloric acid, which in turn combines to create chloramine gas. This has a similar effect on the body’s mucous membranes as chlorine gas, and should be absolutely avoided.

3. Bleach and rubbing alcohol

When combined with rubbing alcohol, bleach becomes chloroform, which can make a person fall unconscious if inhaled. If not already made clear, it’s best not to mix bleach with anything but water as a diluter.

4. One brand and another brand

Beware of mixing two similar products from different brands together, such as two drain cleaners. Each product could have unique opposing ingredients that react violently when combined.

5. Very acidic products and very alkaline products

When you combine an acidic product with a basic one, it is likely that the combination will explode. Some can even cause chemical burns to the skin. Consider this the next time you contemplate mixing vinegar and baking soda to clean your kitchen.

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