Beauty & Style
Cult beauty products from the 80s and 90s

Now here’s a blast from the past: how many of these beauty products do you remember? Back in the 80s and 90s, they were all the rage but with the passing of time, none of these have lasted.
1. Back when mood rings were cool, mood lipstick was also a thing.
2. Hair mascara. Enough said.
3. Body glitter so your whole body could shine.
4. Bonne Bell Lip shades were very popular.
5. These hair benders that we’re still not sure how to work.
6. Crimping iron for those special occasions.
7. The perfume that all girls wanted.
8. Press-on nails that never stuck on.
9. The Caboodles was the essential makeup storage kit.
10. Bigger was better for hair and teasing combs did just the trick.
11. Sea Breeze promised: “Beautiful skin can be a breeze with Sea Breeze.”
12. Banana clips were the must-have hair accessory.
13. Lip Smackers of every imaginable flavour were available.
14. The hair lightener that never seemed to work.
15. The bigger and bolder the scrunchies were, the better.