Beauty & Style
6 ways to use cucumber in your beauty routine

Made up of 90 per cent water, cucumber makes an incredibly hydrating and soothing addition to your beauty routine. Next time you’re in the fruit and veg section at the supermarket pick up an extra cucumber to use in the bathroom. Here are some great ways to use it in your beauty routine.
1. Rub cucumber on dark circles
Cucumber helps a great deal in fading dark circles around your eyes. Just rub cucumber slices on your dark circles or apply the juice of cucumber around your eyes. Wash off after 10 minutes. Your dark circles will start reducing gradually on continuous use.
2. Brighten your skin
Grate cucumber with a cheese grater and the squeeze it to extract the juices and let them seep out. Dab the juice on your skin and let it sink in before washing off with fresh water.
3. Treat sunburn
The cooling and soothing effects of cucumber helps to cure sunburn over a short period of time.
4. Make a toner
Simply blend cucumber with lemon juice, egg white, aloe vera and honey. Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes and wash off to reveal your new complexion.
5. Make an organic face mask
Deseed the cucumber and blend it with four to five leaves of mint and an egg white to make a puree. Apply on your face and wash off after 15 minutes. This face mask is a great aid in making your skin soft and glowing naturally.
6. Treat scars
Mix cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal amount; apply this mix on adult acne and acne scarring. It does wonders to banish imperfections.
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