Danielle McCarthy

Family & Pets

Do pets know what they look like?

Do pets know what they look like?

Bondi Vet’s much loved veterinarian, Dr Chris Brown, answers the question every pet owner has wondered – do our furry friends know what they look like?

Ever wondered whether your pet knows what they look like? There's a simple test you can try at home. And the result might say more than you think...

For years, scientists have argued over whether our pets have 'self-awareness' and a simple mirror is considered the best possible way of working it out. Here's how you do it. First of all, position your furry family member in front of a mirror so they're looking at their reflection. Then, very quietly produce a clean toy (like a ball) from your pocket and hold it just above their left ear. If they know they're looking at themselves, they should turn their head that way to get the toy. If they don't recognise themselves, they shouldn't react. 

Seeing yourself in a mirror seems like such a simple skill but not even humans are born knowing how to do it. We only acquire an awareness of our own appearance at between 18-24 months of age. In fact, the only animals that are proven to recognise themselves in a mirror are dolphins, elephants, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. So while science says your pets won't see themselves and will only see another dog or cat, failing the mirror test isn't all bad. After all, our pets already get embarrassed enough after a trip to the groomers as it is...

For more tips on your pets, follow Dr Chris Brown on Facebook here.

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