
Food & Wine

MasterChef winner Adam Liaw shares spaghetti bolognese recipe with bizarre ingredient

MasterChef winner Adam Liaw shares spaghetti bolognese recipe with bizarre ingredient

Former MasterChef winner Adam Liaw has been keeping his fans occupied during the coronavirus pandemic by running online cooking lessons.

However, his latest dish has raised eyebrows for a surprising ingredient and it’s one that is well loved by most Australians.

Liaw, 41, shared his spaghetti Bolognese recipe to Instagram and revealed that he adds Vegemite into the mix.

He posted a photo of the “most Aussie spag bol ever with a Vegemite toast pangrattato”.

The cooking term pangrattato refers to breadcrumbs and Liaw used Vegemite toast to make his crumbs, which are sprinkled over the pasta and sauce to serve.

He has also recently advised home cooks to substitute missing ingredients instead of buying more so they don’t have to return to the supermarket.

“If you don't have sugar, use honey. If you run out of soy sauce, use a bit of salt. No lemon juice? Try vinegar instead,” he said in a piece for The Good Food

Liaw advised budding chefs to waste less as well as clean out space in their pantries. 

“If you have some odds and ends of vegetables, chop them up and throw them into that quarantine bolognese. Turn bones and offcuts into stock,” he said.

“Before anything goes in the bin, think to yourself "how can I use this?"

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