Melody Teh

Home & Garden

8 nifty uses for leftover glass jars

8 nifty uses for leftover glass jars

If your recycling bin is building up with leftover jars, scoop them out and salvage them. There are so many uses for leftover jars that you never need crowd out the rubbish again.

Here are our eight favourites:

Vase – Leftover glass jars, especially long narrow ones (like the ones tomato passata come in) are ideal for small flower arrangements. Wild flowers or natives look especially good in these vintage inspired vessels.

Candle-holder – Forget expensive candle holders. Small glass jars are excellent for holding your tea-lights. Try different shapes and sizes grouped together for an eye-catching effect.

Hold-all – Need somewhere to store your pens/pencils or even the bits and bobs that make up your sewing kit? Try using a large glass jar. Added bonus? You can see everything you’ve stashed.

Drinking glass – If you’ve been to a trendy café recently, you may have had your drink served in a glass jar. It’s the new ‘in thing’ to do. Why not create the same vibe at home and serve your drinks in your leftover jars? Smoothies especially are great in jars. You can even cap them with the lid for drinks on the go.

Related link: Make your own polka-dot drinking glasses

Planter – If you’re a keen gardener, especially one with a small space to green up, you’re no doubt always on the lookout for planters. Larger sized glass jars can make a beautifully eye-catching display for small plants with succulents.

Storage container – If your jar still has a tightly fitted lid, why not use it to store other foods? Homemade foods like pesto and nut butters are especially good stored in air-tight glass containers while large jars make the perfect biscuit tin.

Gift – Bear with us! While handing over an empty glass jar probably isn’t the best idea, filling a pretty jar with some homemade goodies makes for an excellent gift. The dry ingredients for biscuits, a favourite slice or even something like homemade tea or dried herbs and spices can all be placed in a jar festooned with some ribbon and a card.

Related links:

A guide to homemade candles

Great uses for Mason jars

How to create your own flower arrangements

Image credit: Shutterstock

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