Home & Garden
Why you should never throw out an old garden hose

Make a snake decoy to scare birds
If flocks of birds are making a mess of your pool (or stealing from your backyard veggie garden), try replicating their natural predator to keep them away. Cut a short length of hose, lay it on the grass – poised like a snake – and the birds should steer clear.
Stabilise a tree
A short length of old garden hose is a good way to tie a young tree to its stake. You’ll find the hose is flexible enough to bend when the tree does, but at the same time, it’s strong enough to keep the tree tied to its stake until it can stand on its own. Also, the hose will not damage the bark of a young tree as it grows.
Cover swing set chains
To avoid kids getting hurt on a backyard swing, put a length of old hose over each chain. This will prevent little hands from getting pinched on the swing chain. If you have access to one end of the chains, just slip the chain through the hose. Otherwise, slit the hose down the middle and slip it over the swing-set chains. Close the slit hose with a few wraps of duct tape.
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Protect your handsaws
Keep your handsaw sharp and safe by protecting it with a length of garden hose. Just cut a piece of hose to the length you need, slit it along its length and slip it over the teeth. This is also a good technique to protect kitchen knives when you pack them for a camping trip.
Image credits: Getty Images
This article originally appeared on Reader's Digest.