

10 reasons we miss old-school dating

10 reasons we miss old-school dating

There’s no question about it: the dating rulebook has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Sometimes it’s for the better (online dating, for example) but sometimes we can’t help thinking we may have lost some good “old-fashioned” dating habits. These are just 10 reasons we miss old-school dating.

1. Walking to the door

These days no one bats an eyelid when someone calls or texts to say “I’m outside”, but remember when the man would get out of the car, knock on the door and walk his date to the car? Picking up your date from their door (and dropping them off!) gives a date a sense of occasion.

2. Bringing flowers

A bouquet of flowers or other tokens of affection lets your special someone know how much you care and appreciate them.

3. Dressing up

Courting is no longer the formal occasion it once was so there’s no need for tuxes and gowns but when you put time and effort into your appearance, it tells the other person you believe the date is special.  

4. Slow dancing

We might not be in Jane Austen’s time of formal balls with set dances but there is something truly romantic about being whisked off your feet for a slow dance. Perhaps it’s the feeling of intimacy as you gaze into each other’s eyes?

5. Opening doors

Opening doors (especially the car) was once an indicator of a chivalrous man. Of course, women can open their own doors but the little gesture is nice, respectful and caring.

6. “Going steady”

Dating these days seems like a lot waste time spent wondering whether the relationship is serious or not. Back then you just asked someone to “go steady” and you both were on the same page. Wouldn’t it be great to go back to the days of clarity?

7. Love letters

Receiving a handwritten love note or poem (which you can keep and treasure) is a lost art form. A romantic email, or text, just does not have the same ring to it.

8. No distractions

Our smartphones are great devices for making life easier but not so much when we’re on a date. There is nothing worse than sitting idly while somebody is checking their phone. Back when there was no mobiles, you would actually have to concentrate and talk to the person you were with!

9. Asking permission

Being polite and asking for permission for anything – when you should call, when you can see them next, if you can kiss them – seems to be lost in the modern dating world.

10. Offering to pay  

This is a contentious issue but there’s no arguing it’s a nice gesture when gentleman offer to pay on a date. It doesn’t mean the man should always pay or ladies can’t pick up the bill, but on a first date it says you are looking to impress.

Image credits: Getty Images

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