Danielle McCarthy


5 arguments couples always have on holidays

5 arguments couples always have on holidays

Isn’t it funny how someone that you love so much can also drive you completely crazy? Add the fact that you’re away from home, tired and possibly emotional and it’s easy to see how these little ‘discussions’ can quickly escalate.

Not only is it common to have small arguments about petty things, it’s also completely normal. Nearly all couples will be able to relate to these (and we’ve got some tips for how to diffuse the situation).

1. What time should we leave for the airport?

Preparation for a trip is a key source of stress. Who has the passports? What time should we leave for the airport? If you have differing views of how to manage the details of your trip it can be helpful to allow one partner to be the ‘trip boss’ and make the decisions (and hold onto the tickets) for the duration of the holiday.

2. Unpack first or hit the beach?

There’s often one partner that wants to settle in, check out the room, unpack their clothes and pop their toiletries away. Then there’s the other who wants to dump the bags and hit the pool bar. As with many arguments, an element of compromise may be in order here. Can you drop the bags off, unpack a few key items and then head out? Find a happy middle ground for everyone.

3. No, I don’t need suncream

Why oh why do people hit sunny climes and decide they are immune to UV rays? Getting seriously sunburnt at the start of the holiday can be a massive downer for the rest of the trip. The application of sun cream and the wearing of hats should be a non-negotiable, no matter your age.

4. Air-con levels

You might have gone somewhere with a different climate to home, and all of a sudden, your partner wants the air conditioner set to Arctic levels. Meanwhile you’re shivering under two doonas with your bed socks on. Try agreeing on a comfortable temperature to aim for and stick to that (no secret button pressing, OK?). Or allow the cool breeze until a certain time, after which regular temperatures will be returned.

5. Making the most of the all-inclusive package

What if only one of you want to booze the night away (to get your money’s worth) at the free bar that you paid good money for? While it’s all fun and games to have a few drinks, if it means the next day will be spent in bed, hungover, that can put a dampener on things for the non-boozy partner. Try to be considerate of each other while also allowing your partner some space to do their own thing. Perhaps the dry partner can plan a day out sightseeing or shopping the next day on their own while the other sleeps it off? You might also try suggesting that the night out is to be just that – one night.

Have you ever had a big bust up on holidays? Were you able to make a recovery and still enjoy your trip? We would love to hear your stories in the comments.

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