Danielle Hanrahan


How to make a good first impression

How to make a good first impression

First impressions are important. The grey matter between our ears takes in a lot of information when you meet a person for the first time, so make a good impression with these simple tips.

When we meet a person for the first time, our brain goes into overdrive processing what it sees, what it smells, basically all of those non-verbal cues that come together to give us an impression of someone. This entire process goes on in a matter of seconds, even before the first word is spoken between you.

While it may seem like a lot of pressure, it’s not. It just means you have the opportunity to put yourself in the best possible light to make a great first impression. Starting your date off on the right foot can mean the difference between a night to remember and a possible second date, or you pretending to take an emergency call just after you’ve finished your main dish. To get things off to a great start, here’s a few tips on how you can make a lasting first impression – for all the right reasons.

Be well presented
Look your best, wear nice clothes and have fresh breath! Remember, a first impression starts the moment the other person catches their first glimpse of you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve met before, this is your first official date so make an effort to look well presented.

Don’t be late
Would you be annoyed if you had to wait in the cold for someone who was 15 minutes late? The answer is likely going to be a yes! Don’t be that person someone else has to wait for. Remember, you’re trying to make a great first impression and being late is not going to help. If you’re going to be late due to bad traffic or a train incident, be courteous and give your date fair warning.

Be present and energetic
If you’re tired and feeling a little under the weather, it may be best to raincheck your first date. While it may seem like a good idea to still go on the date, you may not make the best first impression if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep the previous evening or you think you’re coming down with the flu.

It’s better to re-schedule it for another day when you’re more energetic and full of zest. This good cheer will be infectious and will help break the ice, making a first impression that ticks all the right boxes.

Relax and enjoy it!
If you’re feeling nervous before your first date, you could be thinking too much about it. The brain loves to dwell on small details and over-analyse potential situations, especially when you’re going into the unknown. However, that can make a first date tense and serious when it should be fun.

Avoid the nervousness by taking a few deep breaths before your meeting and remembering that if the date doesn’t go well, it’s not the end of the world. Meeting people should be fun, so be relaxed and enjoy the experience. This will instantly rub off on your date, putting them at ease as well.

Image credits: Getty Images 

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