Sahar Mourad


"Kids are quick": Romantic proposal takes wild turn

"Kids are quick": Romantic proposal takes wild turn

What was meant to be a beautiful proposal took a turn for the worst when the engagement ring plunged right through the jetty cracks and into the ocean below.

Luke was down on one knee ready to propose to his pregnant girlfriend Stephanie on the Hervey Bay jetty while two-year-old Harper Jane watched on.

But before they saw what was happening, Harper Jane quickly grabbed the engagement ring from the box and it slipped out of her hands.

“Kids are quick, much quicker than you think - I didn’t actually realise she had grabbed it,” Luke said in a TikTok.

Luke called out Harper Jane's name before immediately throwing off his thongs and taking his phone and wallet out of his pocket, ready to jump into the water.


Blindsided in the moment, his friend called out that he couldn’t jump because it was too shallow causing him to change his landing mid way through which left him with an earache.

But Luke was on a mission to find the ring and was excited when he heard Stephanie’s dad call out to say that he could see it.

“I can see it! Stop there, by your right hand,” he could be heard calling out.

Thanks to the crystal clear waters of Hervey Bay, Luke was able to find the ring quickly and get back to shore.

The ring eventually ended up on Stephanie’s finger, with the couple then revealing that Luke also wanted to ask Harper if he could be her step-dad.

“I’m committing to them both so I felt like both of them should be present,” he said.

“It’s just funny. Even if we had lost (the ring), there would have been humour in it - just sadness, too.

“That will go down in the history books for us.”

Images: TikTok

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