Alex O'Brien

Retirement Life

Spending time with grandkids keeps you young at heart

Spending time with grandkids keeps you young at heart

We all love spending time with our grandkids. Being able to indulge them a little with trips to the zoo, giant ice-creams and loads of cuddles is great fun (plus you can hand them back at the end of the day).

But did you know that spending time with little ones is actually be beneficial for your health? Here we outline how the grandkids can keep us young.

1. Playing

What better way to get some exercise than by getting down on your hands and knees to zoom cars along the floor, pushing the kids on the swing, or flying a kite?

Get down to their level and really let yourself engage with them in the games that they love playing.

Teach them a card trick, play a board game, do some colouring in. You can both benefit from the physical side of the activity as well as the mental side.

2. Talking

Spend time with a four year old and you might actually have trouble getting a word in. But talking with others is a great way to keep your mind sharp, and it can also reduce the risk of depression.

So instead of switching the TV on (which can become the default option with kids), encourage them to have a real conversation with you about their interests, school, friends, films, monsters – anything goes.

3. Reading

There are tremendous benefits for children who are read to from a young age, but it also pays off for the reader.

Reading utilises a different part of your brain to talking, and it can help you to relax and improve your mental sharpness.

Visit a library together, or introduce them to some of your favourite books that you enjoyed as a child.

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