Retirement Life
4 tips to ensure a happy and healthy retirement

It’s the “R” word everyone is talking about. Retirement. And we want you to do it the right way! We’ve got wonderful visions of holidays, sleep-ins and taking time to indulge in whatever takes your fancy. Here’s your survival guide for a healthy, happy retirement.
1. Active living
Regular physical activity brings not just health benefits for your body, but for your mental stability, daily functional abilities and social skills too. Regular physical movement can be a simple treatment for depression, as it enhances your mood and creates positive energy. It also reduces your chances of getting heart disease, certain cancers plus it helps reduce the effects of osteoarthritis. Being active means better balance, agility and strength, and are less prone to falling.
2. Healthy eating
Healthy eating is a key strategy for healthy ageing. It is also an important factor in handling stressful times in our lives, such as the transition to retirement. Don’t waste time eating fast food, healthy eating is key to more energy and overall better quality of life. Cooking brings with it great satisfaction, so get out your cookbooks and get ready to get your hands, pots and plates dirty. Challenging your brain to try out a new recipe will keep you busy and others fed.
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3. Social networking
Having a strong group of contacts is important when retiring. Be sure not to isolate yourself but instead embrace life and other people that are in it. Your social community may include all kinds of contacts, such as family members, neighbours, friends, colleagues from work, club members, and even religious community members. Boost your networks by joining the gym, volunteering at an animal shelter or helping out at local community events be it with schools or charity fundraisers.
4. Wishful thinking
Positive thinking and practical methods are key: When you envision yourself achieving your life dreams and set realistic goals the chances of success are high. Imagining a good outcome minimises stress, anxiety, can lower your blood pressure and put you in a good mood.
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- Formulate dreams you’re truly passionate about
- Visualise the best possible outcome
- Tackle the obstacle step by identifying what’s holding you back
- Make it happen by actively planning what you’re going to do and how you will manage it appropriately, ie: money budgeting, getting out more, trying new things
Images: Getty