
Retirement Life

Denise Drysdale tells shocked co-hosts she’s already paid for her funeral

Denise Drysdale tells shocked co-hosts she’s already paid for her funeral

71-year-old Denise Drysdale announced on Studio 10 that she has already planned and paid for her funeral.

She has even decided what she’s going to wear in the casket, as she told shocked co-host Sarah Harris that she has bought pyjamas especially for the occasion.

“I've got my white casket and my powder blue jammies,” she said on Studio 10.

Harris asked if she had already worn the funeral pyjamas, to which Denise confirmed: “No, they’re just for death”.

“And I've got my Esky full of ice!” she added.

The esky full of ice is especially important as Drysdale plans on drinking champagne as she’s lowered into the casket.

“I've got an Esky with ice in it, champagne bottles [for the guests] and one of the champagne bottles is open with a very long paper straw going to my mouth.

“That's how I'm going to be during the funeral.”

The very long paper straw is so she “doesn’t get thirsty on my way to heaven”.

The funeral planning came about after Drysdale did some commercials for a funeral home.

“I went ahead and did the pre-planning for my own funeral. I have to say, I loved it. It’s possibly the best party I’ll ever throw,” she told The Gold Coast Bulletin.

“I’ve picked all the music, lots of rock’n’roll. We’ll play Hey Jude and Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye.

“I’ve picked a white satin casket and I’m going to wear beautiful blue satin pyjamas and slippers and at the foot of the casket there’s going to be an Esky.”

She also explained that she’s not scared to talk about death.

“That’s part of the reason I’m doing these funeral commercials, although I think they were a bit worried I was taking it too seriously when I got so sick,’’ she says.

“But it is something we should talk about. You can pretend it’s not going to happen, but it’s still going to happen.

“I want to change perceptions about this part of life. I’m a big believer that even when someone dies, if you really love them their spirit stays with you.”

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