Alex O'Brien

Retirement Life

Reawaken your creativity in retirement

Reawaken your creativity in retirement

As much as we all love listening to music, looking at art and reading books, unfortunately not all of us are blessed with the ability to produce them ourselves. However, even if you’re not a natural artist or writer, there are still ways you can grow your skills and flex your creative muscles!


If the first thought that popped into your head when you read this was “but I can’t draw”, then clear your mind. Art isn’t about ability, it’s about expression. There’s no ‘wrong’ way to make art, just channel your feelings into whatever medium you’re using and you’ll be shocked at how cathartic and relaxing it can be.


Everyone – yes, everyone! – has some sort of musical ability. You may not have the voice of Barbra Streisand or the skilled hands of Eric Clapton, but everyone has their own rhythm. Music tutors are easily come by and often quite affordable these days, plus if you’re picking up the guitar you can access hundreds of thousands of free tabs online, perfect for those unable to read music.


You might question this one, but adult colouring in is one of those ‘don’t knock it till you’ve tried it’ kind of things. Therapeutic and fun, colouring in isn’t just for the kiddies anymore. Nowadays, there are hundreds of stunning books filled with intricate designs for you to bring to life. All you need is a book and some pencils – too easy!


Putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard, if you’d prefer) is a fantastic way to organise your thoughts and work on your communication skills. You don’t have to sit down with the objective of penning a bestseller, simply writing a journal when you get the chance is a good way to clear your head. If you’d rather be a bit bolder, Google “flash fiction prompts” and you’ll be on your way to writing a short story.


More of the athletic type? Dancing is the answer to your creativity slump – ballroom, jazz, Latin or even hip hop if you’re feeling adventurous! Ask around your local community for ideas on where to go, or go online to find your nearest class. Get together with your girlfriend or even drag your hubby along, you and whoever you take will be surprised at how stress-relieving it is to let yourself go.

How do you like to exercise your creative side? Tell us in the comments below.

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