Retirement Life
Woman celebrates 100th birthday in jail cell

Ruth Bryant celebrated her centennial birthday by crossing off a wish on her bucket list: to be arrested and sent to jail.
The US woman was celebrating her 100th birthday on Wednesday at her assisted living community in North Carolina when deputies from the Person County Sheriff’s Office showed up and served her a warrant for “indecent exposure” at a fire department.
Friends and family members present at Bryant’s birthday celebrations weren’t aware of the plan, WRAL reported.
“I know that she is a hundred years old, but I didn’t know ... they’d be going this far,” the 100-year-old’s daughter Marian Oakley told the outlet.
Police handcuffed Bryant to her walker and loaded her into the front seat of the police car before driving her to prison.
She spent a few minutes inside a cell and was given a free phone call, a mug shot and an orange jail t-shirt.
“I’m in the jailhouse now! I finally got here!” she said.
She was released after paying bail in the form of a hug to the chief jailer and returned to her residence for cakes with friends.
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