Georgia Dixon


Tue, 20 Mar, 2018

“I am Prince Charles’ brother”: German man’s explosive claims

“I am Prince Charles’ brother”: German man’s explosive claims

Just over a month after Simon Dorante-Day, an Australian man claiming to be the “love child” of Prince Charles and Camilla, spoke out in an interview with New Idea, yet another man claiming to be a long-lost member of the royal family has emerged.

Guenther Focke, a German private eye, claims he is the result of an affair between Prince Philip and his barmaid mum, Marie-Karoline.

“I am Prince Charles’ brother,” he told Globe magazine. “I have the same ears as him. But when I was younger, I looked almost identical to Philip.”

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Given that Guenther was born on July 12, 1946, the affair would have occurred prior to Philip’s 1947 wedding to the Queen. In his 2008 book Not in Her Majesty’s Service, he claims he was conceived during Philip’s time as a naval lieutenant in Germany in 1945.

Guenther’s claims come after decades of speculation that Philip was less than faithful throughout his marriage to Her Majesty.

“I don't want to hurt the Royal Family, but I need some sense of closure,” Guenther told the Daily Mail in 2005. “Buckingham Palace refuse to allow me to meet Prince Philip. I have no option but to publish my story in the hope I will get some acknowledgement from the Royal Family.”

Tell us in the comments below, what do you think of Guenther’s claims? Do you see any resemblance between him, Prince Charles or Prince Philip?

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