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"I want her parents to know": Fellow Qantas passenger reveals final moments of young woman

<p>The passenger who was seated next to the woman who tragically <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">died</a> after boarding a Qantas flight has broken his silence on her last moments. </p> <p>Ravinder Singh was seated next to Manpreet Kaur, who passed away shortly after boarding a flight from Melbourne to Delhi on June 20th. </p> <p>The 24-year-old student, who had dreams of becoming a chef, was travelling to see her parents in India for the first time in four years, but did not make it to her destination. </p> <p>Now, Ravinder Singh has shared details on her final moments in the hopes it will bring her grieving parents some comfort. </p> <p>“I was sitting next to her on the Qantas flight from Melbourne to Delhi and was actually the last person to talk to her,” Ravinder Singh exclusively told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em></em></a>.</p> <p>“When I boarded the plane, she was already seated in the aisle. I was in the window, so I asked if she could please get up so I could occupy my seat.</p> <p>“I noticed that she began scrolling through photos on her mobile phone and stopped at a photograph of an elderly couple. I asked if they were her parents. She smiled and nodded and kept staring at it.”</p> <p>Mr Singh, who had been in Australia to visit family, said that everything seemed fine and the plane eventually began moving towards the runway, ready for take off.</p> <p>He explained that Ms Kaur had then put her phone down and rested her head on the seat in front, when he realised something was not right.</p> <p>“She was wearing her seatbelt and leaned forward to rest her head on the seat in front. As the plane was preparing for takeoff, I wanted to alert her to sit upright,” he shared.</p> <p>“But the plane jerked and I expected her to wake up. But instead, her head just moved towards me."</p> <p>“I got the attention of a flight attention and told her that this woman does not seem very well. She checked her pulse and after that, the reaction of the cabin crew was very commendable."</p> <p>“They tried their best to revive her. She was then evacuated by medical staff.”</p> <p>The retired army officer said the incident still “haunts him” and he wants her parents to know that she “left the world peacefully”. </p> <p>“The incident has been etched in my memory for life,” he said.</p> <p>“It is very difficult to digest that a young girl with whom you were just interacting with has passed away in front of your eyes."</p> <p>“Her innocent face stills haunts me and I want her parents to know she loved them a lot. She left this world peacefully looking at their photograph."</p> <p>“My heart breaks for her family who would have been looking forward to seeing her after a long time.”</p> <p>It is understood that Ms Kaur had been feeling "unwell" when she arrived at the airport and boarded the plane with no issues, with reports suggesting she died of tuberculosis. </p> <p><em>Image credits:</em></p>


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Young woman dies on Qantas flight

<p>A young woman has tragically died onboard a Qantas flight from Melbourne to the Indian city of Delhi. </p> <p>Manpreet Kaur, 24, boarded the international flight to visit her family for the first time in four years, but she never made it to her destination. </p> <p>According to a close friend, the student reportedly “felt unwell” hours before arriving at the airport but managed to board the flight without any issues. </p> <p>However, when she went to put on her seatbelt, Ms Kaur apparently fell to the floor and “died on the spot”.</p> <p>The plane was still grounded when Ms Kaur collapsed, as cabin crew and emergency services rushed to help her. </p> <p>“When she got on the plane, she was struggling to put her seatbelt on,” her friend Gurdip Grewal told the <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-tgev="event119" data-tgev-container="bodylink" data-tgev-order="aaa561d3d6ab09d15bcf3533312abdab" data-tgev-label="news" data-tgev-metric="ev"><em>Herald Sun.</em></a></p> <p>“Just before her flight started, she fell in front of her seat and died on the spot.”</p> <p>According to reports from the <em>Herald Sun</em>, it is believed Ms Kaur died of tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mostly affects the lungs. </p> <p>Her roommate, Kuldeep, said Ms Kaur had worked at Australia Post while studying cooking, with dreams of one day becoming a chef.</p> <p>“She was kind and honest,” she told the publication. “She loved to travel with her friends around Victoria.”</p> <p>A <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GoFundMe</a> page has been created for Ms Kaur to help her family, as the fundraising page reads, “Our dear friend Manpreet left us too soon, leaving a void in our lives that can never be filled.”</p> <p>“As we grieve her passing, we want to come together to honour her memory and support her family in their time of need."</p> <p>“As we say our final goodbyes, every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal. Your support means the world to us and Manpreet’s family.”</p> <p>A Qantas spokesperson told <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em> that their “thoughts are with her family and loved ones”.</p> <p><em>Image credits: GoFundMe</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Family faces expulsion from Australia due to daughter's learning difficulties

<p>A Perth family is facing a heart-wrenching situation as they are compelled to leave Australia, their home for over seven years, due to their four-year-old daughter's learning difficulties. The local Perth community is rallying behind them in outrage against this decision.</p> <p>Navneet Kaur and her husband made the move from India to Australia on student visas back in February 2017. During their time in Australia, their daughter Iris was born. For Iris, Australia is the only home she has ever known.</p> <p>However, their situation took a painful turn when Navneet's application for a skilled nominated visa was rejected, citing Iris' diagnosed developmental delays. This decision meant that the family was instructed to depart from the country within a mere two weeks.</p> <p>Navneet Kaur expressed her disbelief, sharing that the government's justification was the projected cost of caring for Iris' needs over the next two years, estimated at $140,000.</p> <p>This reasoning, she argued, unfairly burdened their family. She underlined that both she and her husband have been gainfully employed, diligently paying taxes, and have not sought any government assistance. Navneet has taken on the financial responsibility for Iris' therapies and activities entirely on her own.</p> <p>Iris is actively engaged in activities such as swimming, gymnastics, private schooling and specialised therapies – all financed by Navneet.</p> <p>The family's friends and community members have spoken up in support, highlighting the unjustness of their situation.</p> <p>Owner Wes D'Arcy of Perth's Jarrah Bar and Café, where Navneet has worked as the head chef for nearly five years, described her as an integral part of their extended family. He expressed his frustration and deemed the government's decision as an insult to her hard work, especially in light of labor shortages in the sector:</p> <p>The emotional toll on Iris is also profound. Born in Australia, she identifies as Australian, yet her voice is being stifled as she faces displacement from her only known home. The prospect of relocating to India, a foreign culture she has never experienced, is daunting and unsettling.</p> <p>Navneet Kaur expressed the deep attachment her family has developed to Australia over seven years – an attachment that spans emotional, cultural, and environmental aspects of life. The unexpected expulsion is emotionally devastating.</p> <p>In response to the situation, community members have taken to social media to share their dismay and call for a compassionate resolution. The sentiment expressed is that a family so clearly contributing to the country, both economically and socially, should be treated with respect and fairness.</p> <p>“This is unacceptable," wrote one commenter on Facebook. "They are working, paying taxes and positively contributing to Australia. They deserve that respect in return from this country."</p> <p>Navneet Kaur is planning to appeal her case to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in a last-ditch effort to remain in Australia with her family. </p> <p>The family's story is touching the hearts of many, shedding light on the complexities of immigration policies and the human lives they impact.</p> <p><em>Images: Facebook</em></p>

Family & Pets

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101-year-old wins sprinting gold medal at the World Masters Games

<p>The most popular medal at the World Masters Games has gone to the oldest competitor - 101-year-old Indian sprinter Man Kaur.</p> <p>She was heartily cheered when a gold medal was draped around her neck after winning her one-woman 100m race at the Waitakere's Trusts Arena athletics stadium on Monday.</p> <p>Man Kaur - sporting her special number, 10001 - crossed the line in 1min 14.58sec - almost 1min 4sec short of the women's world record for the distance.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-video"> <p dir="ltr">Amazing 101 year old completing the 100m <a href="">@WMG2017</a> <a href="">#WMG2017</a> <a href=""></a></p> — Wɐʎuǝ Qnǝpןǝʎ (@UUJQ) <a href="">April 23, 2017</a></blockquote> <p>But Man Kaur was definitely a champion in the eyes of the crowd, epitomising the spirit of the Masters Games.</p> <p>She raised her hands in prayer position to thank her supporters and sported a winning smile at the medal ceremony.</p> <p>She arrived in Auckland to much fanfare a week ago and has been embraced by the city's Indian community.</p> <p>​The World Masters Games crowds will be seeing a lot more of Man Kaur yet.</p> <p>She will also take part in the 200m, shot put and javelin this week.</p> <p><em>First appeared on <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></span></strong></em></p> <p><em>Image credit: The Canadian Press via Darryl Dyck Twitter</em></p>

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