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China expert reveals new theory on why man scalded baby in park

<p>An expert on Chinese social issues has shed new light on the potential motive behind the attack on a baby in a Brisbane park. </p> <p>In August, nine-month-old Luka was enjoying Hanlon Park with his mother when the man poured boiling hot coffee on the infant before fleeing the scene. </p> <p>Police identified the attacker as a 33-year-old man from China, who travelled to his home country after the attack, evading capture by police. </p> <p>As many hypothesise about the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">motive</a> behind the attack, Will Sterzel, a prominent critic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said the attack follows a trend of similar attacks in China. </p> <p>Sterzel, who lived in China for 14 years but left for America after the CCP criticised his vocalness over his frustration with the government, explained that the man's attack on baby Luka is reflective of his own social life and displeasure with state bureaucracy. </p> <p>"When his latest application for a visa was rejected, he did what so many in China do: lashed out and took revenge on society by attacking a child," Mr Sterzel said.</p> <p>"He even said to his friend that he wanted to take revenge on white people."</p> <p>According to Mr Sterzel, the phenomenon reflects a deep-seated frustration that some Chinese nationals feel about the living conditions under the ruling Communist Party.</p> <p>"What it boils down to at the root of it all is injustice," Mr Sterzel claimed. </p> <p>He went on to explain that China lacks government support - such as mental health services, public funds or charities - for those in situations of misfortune, prompting many people to lash out. </p> <p>"When you're down on your luck the government will not help you in China, there are no social programs and if your family isn't willing to float you you're done for," Mr Sterzel said.</p> <p>"There simply are no mental health facilities or systems in place to deal with mental health. So, when people snap and are at wit's end they have no recourse, they're not allowed to blame the government, they cannot strike or protest or petition or take action."</p> <p>"They have nowhere to turn and so they selfishly lash out at society trying to inflict as much damage as possible and in China children are the most precious and important part of society."</p> <p>Mr Sterzel explained that children in China are faced with a lot of responsibility, and are often forced to be providers for their entire family. </p> <p>"All that the entire family's future rides on how good a job the child gets," Mr Sterzel said.</p> <p>"So, by attacking and murdering young children these disgruntled cowards inflict huge damage to society disrupting the plans and livelihoods of multiple generations. The grandparents can no longer retire, the parents' lives are destroyed and China's already shrinking demographics get smaller."</p> <p>"They have inflicted maximum damage to society."</p> <p>Mr Sterzel stressed that "revenge against society" attacks were not cultural tradition, adding, "This is a problem that's continuing to grow in China and unfortunately get exported abroad."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Queensland Police / 9News</em></p>


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"Absurd" $312 fine for common bin act

<p>Aussies have been warned to not leave out their bins for too long unless they want to cop a $312 fine. </p> <p>An Adelaide resident was stunned after they received a "final warning" letter from their local council, stating it had received complaints over their bins. </p> <p>“How is ‘$312’ justified for leaving a bin out too long on a quiet back road,” the confused resident wrote on Reddit. </p> <p>They also said the penalty was "absurd", however, council said the resident was not fined. </p> <p>Hadi Jafari, another local from Kilburn, said he was "really surprised" about the cost. </p> <p>“$300 for a fine is really hard for people to afford, it is really a lot of money,” he told <em>The Advertiser</em>.</p> <p>He added that his family would struggle to pay the amount if they were fined over the common act. </p> <p>“We would probably have to repay it over time, I don’t think we could pay it at once so that is not good.”</p> <p>Under Port Adelaide Enfield Council’s waste management by-laws, bins have to be placed out after 4pm the night before rubbish collection and taken back in by midnight the day after. </p> <p>Council also clarified that it has only issued four fines in the last five years. </p> <p>Residents caught in the common act first receive a reminder letter that their bins have been reported to council. </p> <p>“However as a final resort expiations may be issued,” council said in a statement.</p> <p>The council said it receives 200 complaints annually in relation to bins being left on the street, however the number of warning letters issued has not been disclosed.  </p> <p>Port Adelaide Enfield Council noted other councils also have bylaws in place regarding bin collection.</p> <p>“This is because when people do not remove their bins from footpaths, it can result in impediments to people being able to use the footpath for walking, people with prams, people in wheelchairs, incorrect use of bins and contamination, and it can also impact vehicle and emergency access on streets.”</p> <p>Image: Shutterstock</p>


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$22,000 fine imposed on Waratah thieves

<p>A spate of thefts of one of Australia's most iconic native plants have prompted a furious warning from authorities. </p> <p>More than 20 Waratahs have "disappeared" from the Brisbane Water National Park on the Central Coast alone, according to NSW National Parks, and thieves can risk a potential fine of  $22,000 for hacking the bright flower. </p> <p>“It is illegal to pick waratahs or any other plant in any area protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act,” an NPWS spokesperson told <em>Yahoo News</em>. </p> <p>Rangers can issue a $300 on-the-spot fine to those caught illegally picking the flower.</p> <p>“The maximum fine under the Biodiversity Conservation Act is $22,000. NPWS is keen to receive details of anyone illegally picking waratahs.”</p> <p>Over the long weekend, locals in the Blue Mountains have hit out at "selfish" tourists for "ripping" waratahs from their stems, with images of the act posted on social media. </p> <p>“Just went to check on a beautiful double header waratah in local bushland only to find someone, well prepared with their secateurs, has cut it clean off. Beyond disgusted!” environmental conservation organisation Wild Blue Mountains said.</p> <p>“This is just not on. They had been giving joy to everyone who passed them but now they’re gone due to one person’s selfish actions.”</p> <p>Last week, NSW National Parks had installed signage about “helping protect the Waratah” to deter culprits from taking them and they've even painted some of the stems with a “non-toxic blue paint”.</p> <p>“Waratahs need to go through their full lifecycle to produce seeds, so picking them deprives the ecosystem of a new generation of plants,” NSW National Parks said.</p> <p>“These flowers are more than just a pretty face, they also provide nectar for birds and other native animals. Please leave them be so we can all enjoy more of these beautiful flowers in years to come.</p> <p>“If you want to pick something in a national park, pick your nose instead!”</p> <p><em>Image: NSW National Parks/Instagram</em></p> <p> </p>


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Qantas faces the music for selling seats on cancelled flights

<p dir="ltr">Qantas has been fined a whopping $120 million for purposefully misleading customers on flight bookings for several years. </p> <p dir="ltr">After being sued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) over dishonest conduct relating to the sale of tickets on cancelled flights, the airline admitted they were deceiving travellers by continuing to sell tickets on flights that had already been cancelled. </p> <p dir="ltr">On Tuesday, Justice Helen Rofe formally ordered Qantas to pay a $100 million fine for their conduct, and another $20 million to travellers who were affected. </p> <p dir="ltr">Qantas agreed to pay $225 to affected customers on domestic flights and $450 on international flights.</p> <p dir="ltr">"This is a substantial penalty, which sets a strong signal to all businesses, big or small, that they will face serious consequences if they mislead their customers," ACCC chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb said in a statement following the court orders.</p> <p dir="ltr">Earlier this year, Cass-Gottlieb described Qantas’ conduct as “egregious and unacceptable”, after data showed that between May 2021 and August 2023, the airline sold tickets on cancelled flights to more than 86,000 customers.</p> <p dir="ltr">In addition to cancelling the flights, the airline also failed to inform travellers that their flights were no longer going ahead as scheduled. </p> <p dir="ltr">ACCC barrister Christopher Caleo claimed that some senior airline managers knew about different aspects of the issue, including the fact that cancelled flights were not removed from booking pages or that customers could still book those flights, but no single manager was aware of the severity of the issue. </p> <p dir="ltr">"Qantas was aware of deficiencies in their systems," Caleo said. "Despite their awareness, it persisted over an extended period of time and affected a large number of consumers."</p> <p dir="ltr">Caleo added that the sizable fine presented to Qantas was required in order to deter them from any further devious conduct. </p> <p dir="ltr">"A penalty must send a signal to other companies in Australia, particularly to other large companies, that contraventions of Australian consumer law will not be tolerated," he said.</p> <p dir="ltr">"It must sting and must not be an acceptable cost for Qantas for failing to have systems in place."</p> <p dir="ltr">Qantas said it has made changes to its systems and agreed to notify customers of cancelled flights no longer than 48 hours from cancelling a flight and stop selling tickets for those journeys within 24 hours, with these changes also taking effect with subsidiary Jetstar.</p> <p dir="ltr">"The fact that Qantas made these changes makes it clear that Qantas wants to avoid the matter from occurring again," barrister Ruth Higgins said.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Trouble

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Man accused of scalding baby in park identified

<p>The man accused of pouring scalding hot coffee over a nine-month-old baby in a Brisbane park has finally been identified, after fleeing the country. </p> <p>On August 27th, baby Luka was in Hanlon Park with his mother when a man approached them and poured hot coffee over the infant, leaving him with lifelong injuries. </p> <p>The man then fled the country before he could be identified or detained by police. </p> <p>Now, the man in question has now been identified as a 33-year-old Chinese national who was in Australia on a student visa. </p> <p>He allegedly fled the scene after gravely injuring the child and drove over the state border to Sydney, where he flew out of the country on August 31st.</p> <p>Queensland Police have since put an arrest warrant out for the man for intending to cause grievous bodily harm, which carried a maximum penalty of a life sentence.</p> <p>Police said he had no family or criminal record in Australia and had previously worked in Queensland, NSW and Victoria, with Chinese media reporting that the man was born in Hangzhou, China.</p> <p>“Queensland Police are working with national and international partner agencies to progress this investigation further,” a statement from Queensland Police said.</p> <p>Speaking to <em>4BC</em> Radio on Thursday morning, Acting Assistant Police Commissioner Andrew Massingham said police were “very much committed” to arresting the man. </p> <p>“Our international search continues for the person that committed that horrendous crime,” he said. “That child will have those injuries for life.”</p> <p> Queensland Police Detective Inspector Paul Dalton previously revealed the man fled the country just 12 hours after they identified him.</p> <p>“Detectives are devastated that they missed this person by 12 hours. I was deflated, but that deflation quickly turns into determination and resilience to get the job done.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: 9News / Queensland Police</em></p> <p> </p>


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"It's just not OK": Parking inspectors under fire for fining innocent drivers

<p>Melbourne drivers are being hit with parking fines despite not doing anything wrong, raising questions about the legitimacy of the infringement notices. </p> <p>Emma Hodgkinson from Essendon told<em> 9News</em> that she was fined for supposedly overstaying in a two-hour parking zone. </p> <p>"I was furious, it's just not OK" she told the publication. </p> <p>Hodkinson had only left her house 40 minutes prior to the time stamp on the fine, and used CCTV footage from her home to prove it. </p> <p>"When I saw the timecode on the footage and I compared it to the time on the ticket I realised I hadn't done anything wrong and it was their mistake," she said.</p> <p>Many other drivers have had similar experiences, with one man from Richmond saying he received a $99 penalty earlier this month, despite having almost an hour left on his Pay Stay app. </p> <p>Another driver was fined by Stonnington Council who said he had parked for more than two hours even though he'd only been there for about 20 minutes. </p> <p>In most of these examples, many other cars in the same area had also been fined. </p> <p>"I was able to prove I was innocent but how are [the other drivers] going to be able to prove that?" Hodgkinson said.</p> <p>Council Watch representative Dean Hurlston said the reason why innocent drivers are being fined could be because council parking inspectors have to hit their quotas. </p> <p>"We know the job of a parking inspector is well paid for good reason," he told <em>9News</em>.</p> <p>"They definitely have quotas. Councils need money, they're cash strapped. This is a way to gouge and raise revenue."</p> <p>If you've been unfairly fined, it is important to collect as much evidence as possible, including photos and screenshots. </p> <p><em>Image: Nine News</em></p>


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Neighbour's "petty" act against "obnoxious" driver

<p>A Sydney resident has detailed her "petty" move against her neighbour after becoming fed up with his "obnoxious" parking.</p> <p>Venting about her neighbour online, the Manly resident claimed the man's "over loud, oversized vehicle permanently sticks out from his property, partially blocking footpath". </p> <p>While he was parked in his own driveway, blocking the footpath is illegal and can attract a $283 fine, sometimes more in other council areas across the country. </p> <p>"This noise-polluting monstrosity should be banned, or at least parked on the street (preferably not ours)," she said, attaching a picture of a large ute with its tray sticking out on the footpath. </p> <p>In an attempt to put an end to the "grubby" behaviour, the resident said she reported her neighbour to the Northern Beaches council. </p> <p>The council website states: "residents must not park in or across a driveway (even your own)," to ensure pedestrian safety and access.</p> <p>"Ensure your car is within the front boundary of the property or parked safely in the street."</p> <p>The council told <em>Yahoo News Australia</em> that after the incident was reported via Snap, Snap, Solve, the driver was fined.</p> <p>Officers have reportedly been proactively patrolling the area since, and found no repeated instances. </p> <p>However, the woman was shocked to see  see the driver's "pride and joy still there" in the driveway. </p> <p>"Today I received an email from council saying the matter has been resolved. Do council not care or is this an insufficient crime for any action to be taken?" she asked other residents on Facebook. </p> <p>Her post has divided residents, while most people agreed with her, others told her to mind her business. </p> <p>"I’m surprised he doesn’t get booked as he is blocking the footpath for prams and wheelchairs," one person said.</p> <p>"That’s kind of dangerous. Plus disabled or kids on bikes could slam into it," another added. </p> <p>"Car park is sh*te but it doesn’t seem like it’s affecting you. Take a deep breath and stop working yourself up over things that really don’t matter," someone else argued. </p> <p>"You sound like one of those neighbours that sticks their noses into other people's business," another added. </p> <p><em>Images: Shutterstock/ Facebook</em></p>


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"Drivers deserve better": Huge win for motorists over parking fines

<p>In a move to stop unsuspecting drivers being hit with unfair parking fines, NSW councils will soon be banned from issuing a fine without a physical ticket. </p> <p>Finance Minister Courtney Houssos will legislate to effectively ban ticketless parking fines after council raked in $155 million in sneaky fines last year.</p> <p>Ms Houssos will introduce legislation later in September, which will require parking rangers to attach an “on-the-spot notification” to a car which gets a fine either in the form of a sticker or a traditional parking ticket.</p> <p>Ticketless parking fines were first introduced under former Premier Gladys Berejiklian in 2020, with councils issuing a whopping 822,310 ticketless parking fines last financial year, up almost 50 per cent from the year before.</p> <p>Ms Houssos said forcing councils to leave a note telling drivers they had been fined, rather than waiting for a fine to come ion the mail weeks later, was a victory for common sense.</p> <p>"No one ever likes to get a parking fine, but the idea you only find out about a fine weeks later doesn’t pass the common sense test,” she said.</p> <p>“Frustration among drivers and community members about the ticketless parking system is high – and that’s fair enough. The ticketless parking fine system was introduced by the previous government without regard for the impact on drivers and families,” she said.</p> <p>NSW Premier Chris Minns also backed the move, saying, “Drivers deserve better than the current system."</p> <p>In certain limited circumstances, rangers will be able to issue a fine without leaving a ticket, but only if they install new-warning signs, which could include areas where there is no phone reception, like national parks, or in timed enclosed car parks.</p> <p>NRMA Spokesman Peter Khoury said the government’s changes will rebuild public confidence, saying, “Ticketless parking fines removed transparency and made it almost impossible for motorists to contest their fine if they felt they had a legitimate case.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>


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Jackie O breaks down over baby scalded in Brisbane park

<p>Jackie O has broken down live on air while talking to the heartbroken mother whose baby boy was scalded in a Brisbane Park. </p> <p>Baby Luka and his mother were enjoying the sun in Hanlon Park on August 27th when a stranger approached and poured boiling hot coffee over the baby boy. </p> <p>Luka has since undergone three surgeries, while the man accused of the horrific attack has allegedly fled the country, according to police. </p> <p>The grief-stricken mother, who has not been publicly identified, spoke with Kyle and Jackie O on Friday morning and said her infant son will continue to have surgery every four days for the next four weeks at the least, as doctors attempt to repair the nine-month-old’s burns.</p> <p>“After that it's once a week for two weeks. And then it should okay, all going well and everything healing,” she said. “But then after there's scar management stuff as well on top of that.”</p> <p>The mother provided a heartwarming update on Luka’s progress after he was released from hospital on Monday, saying he is “smiling” and “walking”.  </p> <p>"He's not letting this - he (the alleged attacker) hasn't taken away my son's soul,” she said.</p> <p>“Like, he is beautiful, and he is strong, and he is brave and resilient. And I'm so lucky to be his mum. I'm just really sad this has happened."</p> <p>Jackie O was visibly moved while talking to the woman, breaking down in tears live on air. </p> <p>The KIISFM host told Luka's mother, "You can't imagine that kind of evil, and your poor bubba, it's so evil."</p> <p>"It makes you so angry because he's just a little innocent boy who never did anything to anyone," she added as she became overwhelmed with emotion.</p> <p>Her co-host Kyle Sandilands also shared his devastation as he admitted he was left in floods of tears when he first heard of Luka's brutal injuries on the news.</p> <p>"In all honesty, I was in tears in the lounge when I saw the story. Everyone understands it's s**t, but when you've got your own child running around you while you're in tears watching the news," he shared.</p> <p>Kyle and Jackie vowed to give $10,000 to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GoFundMe</a> set up to help raise funds for Luka's hospital treatment, adding to the $160,000 that has already been donated.</p> <p>With an original target of just $5,000, the mother gushed, "I cannot believe the generosity of the community and you know, it warms my heart and, you know, all the messages and the kindness and yeah, it makes the process a little bit easier."</p> <p><em>Image credits: KIISFM / 9News</em></p>


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Miracle update on baby boy scalded in public park

<p>The mother of the nine-month-old boy who was scalded in a Brisbane park has shared a positive update on his condition as he awaits his third surgery. </p> <p>Baby Luka and his mother were enjoying the sun in Hanlon Park on August 27th when a stranger approached and poured boiling hot coffee over the baby boy. </p> <p>The nine-month-old was rushed to hospital, while the man accused of the attack remains at large. </p> <p>On Monday, Luka's mother shared that her son is up and walking again for the first time since the attack ahead of a third surgery that she hoped would deliver “more information about the next steps”.</p> <p>“Luka has been incredibly resilient. He’s up and about, walking and causing chaos. He is such a strong little boy and we are so so proud of him,” she said.</p> <p>The woman also confirmed that Luka suffered serious burns, with those under his neck and chest likely to scar, as the prospect of a skin graft has been raised by doctors. </p> <p>She said she had been "blown away" by the support she and her family had received through a GoFundMe campaign set up to pay for Luka's medical expenses.</p> <p>"This GoFundMe will be able to support Luka with all of his ongoing care needs which is truly a weight lifted off our shoulders," the woman said.</p> <p>“Not only that it will also support myself, my family, and ongoing mental health, given the nature of the event this will be an extremely long journey ahead for us all.”</p> <p>The fundraiser, that had a goal of just $5,000, surpassed $110,000 on Monday. </p> <p>Police earlier described the man they wish to speak to in connection to the attack as between 30-40 years old, of a proportionate build, with tanned skin. He was wearing a black hat, glasses, a shirt and shorts at the time Luka was burned. </p> <p><em>Image credits: 9News / Facebook</em></p>


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New details and pics emerge after baby scalded by stranger in Brisbane park

<p>New photos and details have emerged of the nine-month-old baby who was scalded by a stranger in a park in Brisbane.</p> <p>Police have alleged that a man, between 30 and 40 years old, tipped hot coffee over a baby in Hanlon Park on Wednesday before <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fleeing the scene</a>. </p> <p>On Thursday morning, police released new images of a man they wish to speak to in relation to the alleged assault.</p> <p>Police said the man was of an average build and with tanned skin and was wearing a black hat, glasses, a checkered button-up shirt and shorts at the time of the attack. </p> <p>The plea from police comes after an image of the baby in hospital was released, with the nine-month-old completely wrapped in bandages. </p> <p>After the incident, the baby was rushed to Queensland Children's Hospital and has since undergone surgery for burns to his face and chest, reportedly suffering serious burns to 60 per cent of his body including his face, neck, chest and arms.</p> <p>A friend of the baby's mother, Zara Mazza, shared an update with <em>The Project</em> on Wednesday night, recalling how she was sitting down with her own son and looked up to see a man standing above her friend’s nine-month-old baby. </p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by The Project (@theprojecttv)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>“This man was standing above him, behind him, and poured a Thermos of hot coffee over him. He just started screaming,” she told the program.</p> <p>Ms Mazza said she tried to chase the man but he was “very fast”, and she tripped while attempting to keep up.</p> <p>“Essentially all I could hear was his mum screaming that it’s hot. ‘It’s hot, it’s hot coffee’, so I ran back and as I ran back picked up my water bottle and dumped it over him,” she said.</p> <p>“I removed him from his mum and we laid him down on the picnic rug and we peeled his clothes away, which revealed the peeling of his skin, his skin had started to blister.”</p> <p>Bystanders reportedly came over with filled water bottles to pour over the baby, before a nurse in training offered up a shower at her nearby apartment so water could constantly be running on him.</p> <p>“Very grateful. The ambulance came really quickly, I think it was within five minutes. Police, too,” Ms Mazza said.</p> <p>“It was chaotic. It happened really quickly.”</p> <p>The baby’s mother is reportedly “really traumatised” after the incident, as Ms Mazza said, “She’s got a lot of anxiety right now. She’s not been able to sleep very well, if at all. So definitely struggling.”</p> <p>“Bub is in a stable condition … they say that he’ll need regular dressing changes under anaesthetic over the next weeks. They don’t know how long, but, yeah. It’s gonna take a while.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: 7News / Queensland Police</em></p>


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Manhunt after stranger pours scalding hot coffee on baby in public park

<p>Queensland Police have released footage of the man they believe burned a baby with a scalding hot drink in a public park. </p> <p>On Wednesday, the unknown man approached the family at Hanlon Park in Brisbane and poured hot coffee on the nine-month-old baby boy.</p> <p>He was rushed to the Queensland Children’s Hospital with burns to his face, upper body and arms, with the burns covering 60 per cent of his body.</p> <p>Queensland Police have now released CCTV footage from the area, showing a man running from the park.</p> <p>He appears approximately 30 to 40 years old, with a proportionate build and tanned skin, and was wearing a black hat, glasses, a shirt and shorts.</p> <p>Anyone who recognises the man has been urged to contact the police with information. </p> <p>An off-duty nurse heard the commotion in the park from the balcony of her apartment, telling <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">7News</a></em> she went outside to investigate when she heard screaming. </p> <p>She said she heard the child’s mother yelling “my baby, my baby”.</p> <p>The nurse rushed down to the park to help the boy, taking him to her nearby apartment where he was placed under a cold shower before paramedics arrived.</p> <p>Locals told 7News the attack was “terrible” and they were shocked it had happened in their community.</p> <p>“It’s really scary when you think that we haven’t got a community that looks after our young and vulnerable,” one woman said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Queensland Police</em></p>


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Dad fined $1,200 for 'critical' seatbelt mistake

<p>At the start of last month, Queensland authorities increased driving fines to a record high, with the value of a penalty unit increasing by 4.2 per cent. </p> <p>One Aussie dad found out the hard way this week after he copped a $1,209 fine when he was stopped by police during a traffic operation as part of the state's Road Safety Week and found that his two kids did not have their seatbelts fixed correctly. </p> <p>They found the 5-year-old boy not properly secured in his booster seat, while a 6-year-old boy, who was seated in the right-side back seat, was found to have the middle seat belt wrapped around his neck.</p> <p>The hefty fine also comes with 4 demerit points. </p> <p><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Queensland Police</span><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;"> </span>have warned their motorists about increased police vigilance on their roads. </p> <p>"Failure to wear a seatbelt is one of the leading causes of road crash deaths. Unrestrained drivers and passengers are eight times more likely to be killed in a road crash," Acting Inspector Kylie Doyle said. </p> <p>"If this driver had been in a crash, it would have likely resulted in significant, possibly life-threatening injuries for these children."</p> <p>Following the state's move to increase the value of a penalty unit, drivers caught using their phone or not wearing a seatbelt properly will now pay a fine of over $1,200. </p> <p>Drivers caught speeding more than 30km/h over the speed limit are also forced to pay over $1,200. </p> <p>Based off the average salary in the state, this means that drivers caught for such infringements would be paying around 65 per cent of their weekly salary on the fine. </p> <p>Authorities across the country have been cracking down on driver misbehaviour in attempt to reduce the number of road fatalities. </p> <p>"It is critical we all play our part to be safer on Queensland roads," Acting Inspector Kylie Doyle warned motorists on Tuesday.</p> <p><em>Image: S</em><em>ongsook /</em></p>

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Aussie mum with no licence or car fined thousands for traffic offences

<p>An Aussie mum has copped thousands of dollars worth of traffic fines, despite not owning a car or holding a valid driver's licence. </p> <p>Victorian woman Tamara, 32, claims that she has received 16 different infringement notices this year alone in relation to 14 different licence plate numbers, and none of them are hers. </p> <p>The incorrect fines have been sent to her from as far back as 2022. </p> <p>Several of the alleged offences captured on road safety cameras show bearded men behind the wheel. </p> <p>"Clearly, I don't have a beard. The person in the picture is a male. Anyone with eyes can see it's not me," she told A Current Affair. </p> <p>The saga has badly impacted her mental health and she has called on both the police and road officials in the state to overhaul the system to prevent other people from ending up in the same situation as her. </p> <p>The mum fears that her identity or her expired licence number may have been compromised during Optus' mass data breach two years ago.</p> <p>"I am not the driver. I don't drive a vehicle, I don't even have a licence. I have no idea what to think actually because it is unexplainable."</p> <p>"It doesn't make any sense and it shouldn't make any sense in anyone's eyes. It doesn't add up and it's clearly fraudulent."</p> <p>Lawyer Justin Lawrence agrees with the 32-year-old and said that she is entitled to challenge the fines. </p> <p>"There is a system glitch there somewhere and she's entitled to challenge those fines. The system relies on the information that it has. If the information is inaccurate, then the system can't work," he said.</p> <p>Tamara has made a formal complaint to Victoria Police in a bid to clear her name, and they are now working with Fines Victoria to "investigate the circumstances around these incidents and resolve these matters". </p> <p>"Members of the public who believe they have been falsely nominated for a traffic infringement should contact Fines Victoria," a statement from the police read. </p> <p><em>Images: A Current Affair/ Nine</em></p>


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Aussie motorist's act of defiance against parking fees

<p>Aussie drivers have been warned against replicating a cheeky way a motorist tried to pay for parking at a cashless parking meter.</p> <p>The motorist wasn't able to pay for his parking charges with a card, so instead they erected a sign in his car with gold coins attached, proving they are good for the parking fees. </p> <p>The driver said the cashless revolution doesn't "suit their lifestyle", but added they are "willing to pay for parking with these coins any day of the week". </p> <p>Despite displaying their method of payment, the  North Sydney Council, who recently upgraded all their parking meters to cashless ones, explained to <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yahoo</a> Finance</em> this method could massively backfire.</p> <p>"The only way to avoid being fined is to comply with the signage restrictions for the space in which you have parked," a Council spokesperson said.</p> <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff;"><span style="color: #1d2228; font-family: YahooSans VF, Yahoo Sans, YahooSans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: large;"><span style="caret-color: #1d2228;">"In metered spaces, you must pay using our parking meters. You are likely to receive a fine if </span></span></span>you leave a note and do not pay," with parking fines in this council setting you back $136. </p> <p>After the driver's unique payment method garnered attention on social media, many agreed with their sentiment saying there should always be an option for people to pay with cash.</p> <p>"Should always have a cash option," wrote one user, while another said, "How can they expect everyone to be credit card online app savvy anyway and download it while standing in the street? I have so much trouble paying."</p> <p>A third added, "This is a great idea, but the inspectors do not have a sense of humour, they just issue you with a fine."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook</em></p>


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Motorist fined $4000 for dodgy driver's license tactic

<p>A prominent Sydney lawyer has warned Aussie drivers against falsely nominating someone to take on their demerit points after one of his clients was fined $4000 for the illegal act. </p> <p>Speaking to <em>Yahoo News Australia</em>,  Sydney lawyer Avinash Singh said that there has been a significant spike in the practice in recent months. </p> <p>"In 2024, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) commenced a crackdown on false nominations of drivers," he told <em>Yahoo</em>.</p> <p> "There has been a widespread trend of people agreeing to take demerit points for other drivers.</p> <p>"The person nominated will usually charge a fee to take the demerit points. Often they are on international licences and may not even be in the country."</p> <p>He then explained the case of one of his clients who was issued a $4,000 fine for trying to offload their demerit points. </p> <p>"The reason the fine was so expensive was because the vehicle was registered as a company vehicle and the company had a record of previous offences," he explained.</p> <p>"As such, it was subject to the penalties for a corporation, which are significantly greater than that of an individual ($1,500)."</p> <p>He said the matter was listed at court where the $4,000 fine "could have been increased to $22,000".</p> <p>Singh managed to fight the fine on behalf of the driver, but warned that authorities are increasing their surveillance on this illegal act and have urged Aussies to remain vigilant. </p> <p>The tactic has gained popularity over the past few years, with the illegal service often being advertised on social media and the price of one demerit point going for anywhere between $30-$150.</p> <p><em>Image: Facebook/ Yahoo</em></p>


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Gold medallist sleeps in Paris park to protest "disappointing" Olympic village conditions

<p>A gold medallist has been spotted sleeping in a Paris park in protest of the conditions in the Olympic village. </p> <p>Italian swimmer Thomas Ceccon was captured sleeping atop a white towel in a park located inside the Olympic village by Saudi rower Husein Alireza. </p> <p>Alireza posted the photo to Instagram with the caption, "Rest today, conquer tomorrow."</p> <p>The Italian swimmer, who won gold in the 100m backstroke, had already complained publicly about the accommodations in the Olympic Village, after he failed to reach the 200m backstroke final on Wednesday.</p> <p>Since the commencement of the Paris Games, many athletes have spoken out about the conditions in the Olympic village, saying the beds are uncomfortable, the rooms are poorly air conditioned and the food is poor quality. </p> <p>“There is no air-conditioning in the village, it’s hot, the food is bad,” Ceccon said, according to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>The Sun</em>. </a></p> <p>“Many athletes move for this reason: it’s not an alibi or an excuse, it’s the reality of what perhaps not everybody knows."</p> <p>“I’m disappointed that I didn’t make the final, but I was too tired. It’s hard to sleep both at night and in the afternoon. Here, I really struggle between the heat and the noise.”</p> <p>Andy Anson, the chief of the British Olympic Association, also voiced concerns about how the quality of the village is affecting athletes, telling <em>The Times of London</em>, “There are not enough of certain foods: eggs, chicken, certain carbohydrates.”</p> <p>“And then there is the quality of the food, with raw meat being served to athletes.”</p> <p>A number of athletes, including the entire US women’s tennis team (with the exception of Coco Gauff) have left the village and searched for alternate accommodation for the duration of the Games. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Instagram/Panoramic/SIPA/SIPA/Shutterstock Editorial </em></p>

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