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Nostradamus' 2025 predictions revealed

<p>Nostradamus a 16th-century French Astrologer known as the "prophet of doom" has some wild predictions for the upcoming year. </p> <p>The astrologer has been credited with foretelling the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power, the September 11 attacks, the Covid-19 pandemic, and last year’s New Year’s Day earthquake. </p> <p>His predictions were published in his book “Les Prophéties” in 1555</p> <p>Last year, the astrologer was credited for predicting the powerful earthquake that rocked Japan on New Year's.</p> <p>A few of his other predictions for 2024 included the abdication of King Charles, war with China, a new pope, and the world getting closer to a climate apocalypse. </p> <p>Now, his predictions for 2025 have been revealed with one of them being the potential end to the Ukraine conflict. </p> <p>He wrote: "Through long war all the army exhausted,so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon."</p> <p>The astrologer predicted that financial ruin and exhausted resources could spell the end of an ongoing armed conflict, which many of his followers assumed is a reference to Russia and Ukraine. </p> <p>However, he wrote that England will be beset by  “cruel wars” and will face an “ancient plague” that will be “worse than enemies.”</p> <p>He also wrote: "Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the Tub, Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulphur."</p> <p>Some believe the "garden of the world" refers to the Amazon forest, with plunging into a tub and sipping sulphur implying that there will be floods and volcanic activity. </p> <p>While most of his predictions seem bleak, more often than not they miss the mark. </p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p> <p> </p>

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Nostradamus prediction on King Charles sparks fresh theories

<p>An eerie prediction on King Charles made by 16th century astrologer Nostradamus has resurfaced following the royal's cancer diagnosis. </p> <p>The French physician is known for his uncannily accurate predictions which he wrote in a tome called <em>Les Propheties</em> in 1555. </p> <p><em>Les Propheties</em> contains 942 predictions which have been analysed over the years, and some have claimed that it foresaw major events including  the Great Fire of London in 1666 , the French Revolution and even 9/11. </p> <p>It is also believed to have accurately predicted Queen Elizabeth's death, as in his book Nostradamus said that the second Queen Elizabeth would die in "22" at "around" the age of 96. </p> <p>She passed away on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96. </p> <p>The astrologer also predicted that in 2024, the royal family would face turmoil with a King “driven out by force”. </p> <p>“King of the Isles driven out by force ... replaced by one who will have no mark of a king,” the passage in the book read. </p> <p>Nostradamus expert Mario Reading initially interpreted the prophecy to refer to an “unworthy” and unpopular King who would be driven out by the wishes of the people and replaced by someone who "never expected to be King". </p> <p>But now, with King Charles' cancer diagnosis, many have shared their own predictions on what might happen to the royal, mainly him being forced from the throne because of his illness. </p> <p>Others have raised the question on who is the man they “never expected to be King”?</p> <p>If Charles abdicates, and Prince William declines the throne and the role of Prince Regent as he faces his own battle with Kate's cancer diagnosis, then would William’s eldest son George, 10, become king? </p> <p>In today's monarchy, what are the implications of a 10-year-old becoming King and would they instead consider an adult, aka the fifth in line or “spare to the heir,” Prince Harry as a better option for King? </p> <p>There are so many possibilities floating around. </p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock/ Instagram</em></p> <p> </p>


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People are complaining about Mercury in retrograde. But what does it actually mean?

<p>Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, whipping around <a href="">our star every 88 days compared to Earth’s 365.25 days</a>. Mercury will also be the first planet destroyed when the Sun expands on its way to becoming <a href="">a red giant in about 5 billion years</a>.</p> <p>So it seems a bit rough that we <a href="">blame Mercury for all our problems</a> three to four times a year when it’s in retrograde. But what does it mean when we say Mercury is “in retrograde”?</p> <h2>A matter of orbits</h2> <p>Retrograde motion means a planet is moving in the opposite direction to normal around the Sun. However, the planets never actually change direction. What we are talking about is apparent retrograde motion, when to us on Earth it looks like a planet is moving across the sky in the opposite direction to its usual movement.</p> <p>Because Mercury is closest to the Sun and has the fastest orbit, it appears to move backwards in the sky more often than any other planet.</p> <p>Let’s use my dog Astro to help explain what’s happening when we see a planet in retrograde. Astro is a whippet, or a mini-greyhound, and he has a need for speed. If I take Astro for a run on my local cricket oval, he does super-speed laps on the inside while I run much more slowly around the outside.</p> <p>If we’re both going anti-clockwise around the cricket pitch, when Astro is on the opposite side of the oval to me it looks like he’s going left while I’m jogging right. But when he gets to the same side of the oval as me, it suddenly looks like he’s running right instead of left (retrograde).</p> <p>This happens because Astro is going much faster than me, and is inside my “orbit” of the oval.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p>Because Mercury’s orbit is inside Earth’s orbit, seeing it from our planet is like me watching Astro run.</p> <p>But Mercury isn’t the only planet to do this. Venus also orbits inside our orbit of the Sun, zipping around <a href="">once every 224.7 days</a>. This means Venus is in retrograde twice every three years.</p> <h2>The other retrograde</h2> <p>It works the other way around, too. The planets outside our orbit (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) also go into retrograde.</p> <p>To work this out, we need to swap our perspective. Astro is definitely not a deep thinker, but let’s imagine for a moment that he is and think about what he sees as he runs around the oval.</p> <p>He’s running around the oval and he starts catching me up from behind. At this moment it seems like we’re both going the same direction, to the right. But as he starts to pass me, it seems like I’m going backwards or left (retrograde) while he continues to run forwards to the right.</p> <p>This is what happens when we look up at the sky and see one of the outer planets in retrograde.</p> <p>Mars is in retrograde once every two years. The other planets are so far from the Sun and travelling so slowly compared to Earth that it’s almost like they’re standing still. So we see them in retrograde approximately once a year as we whip around the Sun so much faster than they do.</p> <h2>A well-known illusion</h2> <p>Retrograde motion bamboozled ancient astronomers since humans started looking up in space, and we only officially figured it out when Copernicus proposed in 1543 that the planets are <a href="">orbiting the Sun</a> (though he wasn’t the first astronomer <a href="">to propose this heliocentric model</a>).</p> <p>Before Copernicus, many astronomers thought Earth was the centre of the universe and the planets were spinning around us. Astronomers like <a href="">Apollonius</a>around 300 BCE saw the planets going backwards, and explained this by adding more circles called epicycles.</p> <p>So, humans found out retrograde motion was an optical illusion 500 years ago. However, the <a href="">pseudoscientific practice of astrology</a> continues to ascribe a deeper meaning to this illusion.</p> <h2>There’s a retrograde most of the time</h2> <p>If we consider the seven planets other than Earth, at least one planet is in retrograde for 244 days of 2023 – that’s around two-thirds of the year.</p> <p>If we include the dwarf planets Pluto and Ceres (and exclude the other seven dwarf planets in the Solar System), at least one planet or dwarf planet is in retrograde for 354 days of 2023, leaving only 11 days without any retrograde motion. </p> <p>I like to think the biggest impact the planets have on Earth is bringing wonder and joy every time we turn our eyes (and our telescopes) to the night sky. Astro, on the other hand, is happy as long as he gets to run around the oval and bark at possums.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>.</em></p>


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The royal family's most compatible couples, according to astrology

<p>An astrologer has revealed which royal couples are the most compatible according to the stars. </p> <p>Horoscope experts have shared that King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla's relationships is "tied by destiny" due to their star signs. </p> <p>King Charles, a passionate Scorpio, and Camilla, an easy-going Cancer sign, compliment each others powerful emotions and intuitiveness. </p> <p>"Scorpio and Cancer understand each other so well, they can have a whole conversation without a word," the experts at Psychic World added.</p> <p>Given this powerful combination, it's perhaps no surprise that the King's dating history includes five other Cancers: Princess Diana, Lady Jane Wellesley, Bettina Lindsay, Georgiana Russel, and Amanda Knatchbull.</p> <p>Another royal match made in the stars is that of Prince William and Kate Middleton. </p> <p>Prince William, a Cancer sign like his mother, matches perfectly with Kate's Capricorn sign, as they form a "celestial pairing of great determination".</p> <p>"Something about this astrological duo instantly tells them they need to be together," astrologers said.</p> <p>"William was probably more than a little dazed when he first met confident Kate, and Kate will bring security and stability to the sensitive William."</p> <p>Both signs are also "fiercely loyal" and "bring about a very peaceful, gentle relationship".</p> <p>On the other end of the compatibility spectrum, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, despite being famously loyal lovers, scored on the lower end of the scale. </p> <p>Prince Harry's earthy Virgo sign is not viewed to be matched with Meghan's zealous Leo, as a lot of their traits are often in conflict with one another. </p> <p>"Leo's are passionate and fiery, whilst Virgo is more calm and composed," horoscope experts said.</p> <p>"Typically, Leo's and Virgo's can struggle to find common ground, as the extrovert and dominant side of the Leo can take aback the shy Virgo."</p> <p>A similar astrological clash can be seen in one of the most famously long-lived marriages, that of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.</p> <p>"Generally the Taurus and Gemini would be incompatible, however, the more reserved Elizabeth was smitten by Phillip's zest for adventure," they said.</p> <p>"Both royals shared a Rising Capricorn which allowed them to put on a front of power and professionalism as the heads of the family."</p> <p>"Whether love was in the air or not, Capricorns and Tauruses are fated soulmates," experts added.</p> <p>"And their friendship lasts a lifetime."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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Does your astrological sign influence your personality?

<p><span>Astrology has continued to be a staple in popular culture, despite the criticisms and stigma attached to it. </span></p> <p><span>The idea that our fate and personalities are somehow interlinked with star placements and celestial events may indeed sound controversial – some label it as satanic, others simply find it to be fraudulent and baseless. Regardless, many people still take horoscopes seriously, as they believe that the concept is an important part of their self that influences their personality, behaviour and outlook in life.</span></p> <p><span>To see if there is indeed a link between personality and astrological signs, <a href=""><em>Business Insider</em></a> conducted a survey with 8,800 Americans, who were asked if they identified with the traits commonly associated to their sign.</span></p> <p><span>Along with global survey research company Morning Consult, the website collected and listed characteristics that each star sign is generally linked with:</span></p> <ul> <li><span>Aquarius, born January 20 - February 18, is “progressive, original, independent, if temperamental.”</span></li> <li><span>Pisces, born February 19 - March 20, is “compassionate, artistic, intuitive, if fearful.”</span></li> <li><span>Aries, born March 21 - April 19, is “determined, confident, enthusiastic, if impulsive.”</span></li> <li><span>Taurus, born April 20 - May 20, is “reliable, patient, practical, stable, if stubborn.”</span></li> <li><span>Gemini, born May 21 - June 20, is “gentle, curious, adaptable, if indecisive.”</span></li> <li><span>Cancer, born June 21 - July 22, is “tenacious, highly imaginative, persuasive, if insecure.”</span></li> <li><span>Leo, born July 23 - August 22, is “creative, generous, warm-hearted, humorous, if inflexible.”</span></li> <li><span>Virgo, born August 23 - September 22, is “loyal, analytical, kind, practical, if critical.”</span></li> <li><span>Libra, born September 23 - October 22, is “cooperative, gracious, social, if confrontation averse.”</span></li> <li><span>Scorpio, born October 23 - November 21, is “resourceful, brave, passionate, if jealous.”</span></li> <li><span>Sagittarius, born November 22 - December 21, is “generous, idealistic, great sense of humour, if impatient.”</span></li> <li><span>Capricorn, born December 22 - January 19, is “responsible, disciplined, self-controlled, if forgiving.”</span></li> </ul> <p><span>The respondents were then asked to pick one of these possible 12 sets that described them best.</span></p> <p><span>The results are not great for astrology advocates. Fewer than one in five people, or 19.7 per cent of respondents, identified with their sign’s character traits, even after being given three chances to choose. Believers fared even worse – only 18.5 per cent who consulted astrology to make their life decisions picked the correct sign, even lower than the proportion of people who did not use horoscopes at all.</span></p> <p><span>However, it may not all be bogus. Ben Hayden, assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester wrote in <a href=""><em>Psychology Today</em></a> that studies have shown some links between birthdays and personality traits. For example, a Japanese study discovered that people born between December and February tend to be less agreeable, while another study found that men born in the summer have lower conscientiousness.</span></p> <p><span>This does not mean that astrology is accurate, but more factors may need to be investigated for us to determine the exact relationship between birth times and character traits.</span></p> <p>Do you believe in astrology? Let us know in the comments below.</p>


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What Prince Harry’s star sign reveals about the royal dad-to-be

<div> <div class="replay"> <div class="reply_body body linkify"> <div class="reply_body"> <div class="body_text "> <p>Although some may not believe in star signs, every now and then you’ll come across someone’s star sign that explains that person right down to the letter. If you do believe in astrology, it can be a fun way to discover more about a particular person.</p> <p>Prince Harry has been in the spotlight since his birth. With such high scrutiny, people have taken to the date, time and location to discover more about the beloved red-headed royal.</p> <p>In order to figure out someone’s sun and moon sign, you need to know the following things:</p> <ul> <li>Where they were born</li> <li>What time they were born (down to the minute!)</li> </ul> <p>By inputting all of this information into an <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">astrology birth chart calculator</a>, you’re going to discover more about a particular person and how the stars have influenced who they are today.</p> <p>As Prince Harry was born in St Mary’s Hospital, London, on the 15th of September 1984, his sun sign is a Virgo and his moon sign is a Taurus. </p> <p>As his sun sign is a Virgo, this means that he has a strong sense of responsibility. This works out well for him, as he’s consistently in the spotlight as a member of the Royal Family. Virgos are also known for undertaking worthwhile projects that can make them feel appreciated and useful. This is something they thrive on, which again, it seems like Prince Harry has brought forward into his life with his work on the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Heads Together</a> program which aims to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health.</p> <p>The royal’s moon sign is in Taurus. This particular moon sign is very romantic, which might explain why he was in such a rush to introduce Duchess Meghan to the family. Moon in Taurus are known for being reliable as well as being strong-willed and rooted in their ways. This might explain why the army life appealed to Prince Harry so much, as he was able to follow a routine whilst protecting his country.</p> <p>As always, horoscopes and astrology aren’t specific to each individual. It is more of an overview that has parts that can be applied to specific people, so if you’re interested in looking up yours and you find it doesn’t apply specifically to you, take it with a grain of salt! </p> <p>Do you have an interest in astrology and follow star signs? Tell us in the comments below. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>


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What do the astrologers have in store for you in 2015?

<p>What does 2015 have install for you? We found out with the help from our three favourite astrologers. Australian astrologer Yasmin Boland (<a href=""></a>) is the resident astrologer for Yahoo! Australia and New Zealand and Jonathan Cainer (<a href=""></a>) is a British astrologer who forecasts for three Australians papers, the Sydney Daily Telegraph, the Melbourne Herald Sun and the Perth Sunday Times.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>ARIES</strong></p><p>“Some Aries have had many ups and downs in the past few years that they're dreaming of a peaceful and quiet life. But trust the Stars – the first few months of 2015 can help you to turn your life around. But you have to be willing to do things dramatically differently. If you make changes now, you can really revolutionise your life.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“This year you embark on an adventure that eventually facilitates the fulfilment of a lifelong aspiration. It completes a process you began last year when you began to carefully consider all you ever thought you knew about yourself.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>TAURUS</strong></p><p>“If your health has not been as good as it could be that should also change now. Many Taureans have been under the weather simply because Saturn in your opposite sign put so many demands on you. Now as the New Year dawns you should find you refind your zest for life and your health should pick up too.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“As the turning tides of 2015 bring forth new breakers of opportunity and surging waves of challenge, all depends on you finding the centre of balance on your psychological surfboard. At the essence of your sign is a quest for stability. To attain that, you must convince yourself you are 'worthy of happiness.' How hard can that be?” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>GEMINI</strong></p><p>“This is a very big year for you (in fact the start of a very big two year cycle). Reason being is that Saturn has taken up residence in your Love Zone and will stay there for most of the year. That means all of your most important life lessons are going to come to you from the most important people in your life.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“If you really want to succeed, in 2015, take time to dwell on some of the things which may have gone wrong in the past. How badly wrong did they really go? Have you consigned, to the landfill of history, a rare, valuable experience that might be far better dug up, cleaned off and profitably recycled?” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>CANCER</strong></p><p>“Your working life appears unpredictable at the moment and that's not going to change any time soon. However be aware that as of March, it won't be quite so dramatic or worrying. A lot of the issues you have faced in the past few years will be forgotten. Be innovative at work – it’s a key to success for you now. So too is working on the internet or for yourself.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“You're about to discover that you're ready to be brave, to take charge of a delicate situation and find the glorious solution to a niggling problem. You're due to spend a year protecting people you care about from threats you have no fear of, defending causes that matter to you from threats that have no right to exist... and discovering the full extent of your own amazing hidden power.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>LEO</strong></p><p>“As the year kicks off you still have lucky Jupiter in your sign. This is great news. He only visits about once every 12 years and when he does, he brings good cheer. He endows you with the ability to see life with a positive outlook that can be truly life changing. Work on being as optimistic as you can be between now and August when he will leave your sign. You could change your life under this cycle.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“2015 allows you to relinquish some of the control mechanisms you have previously had in place. You become more relaxed. You become more willing to accept love and that makes it easier for others to love you. And, of course, the more that others show their love to you, the more you will in turn, be able to respond. That all gives rise to a rather lovely bubble of emotional contentment which will slowly envelop you more with each month, in this surprisingly rewarding year.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>VIRGO</strong></p><p>“This is a big year for you – you have eclipses all over your chart! This is nothing to be alarmed about. However it does strongly suggest that if you want to make changes in your life, 2015 is the year to be doing just that.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“In the past you have had a tendency to think, 'Do I go too far? Do I try too much? Do I make things available too quickly, things that ought to be fought for with more of a vengeance? Such guarded thoughts can soon be put aside. In 2015 you find your way to a more profound understanding of what love really is and real love finds its way very easily towards you.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>LIBRA</strong></p><p>“The universe sees hope, and plenty of it, for you. It sees the chance to help you make a big breakthrough early in the year and for things to keep on improving at every level. It seems a pity to disagree with it really, because actually, it is right!” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p>“Your home life and relationships with family members will settle down too. Whether you live with your folks, your partner, with children or with a flatmate, things should be less volatile for you on the domestic front. Family members who’ve been driving you crazy will also be easier to deal with.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p><strong>SCORPIO</strong></p><p>“Focus on having fun as 2015 starts. Check to see if you have become a work-a-holic! And also think about the lessons that past two years have taught you – some may well be about karma.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“2015 enables you to forge several simultaneous paths towards success in what might appear, entirely different directions. Also, given the strength of the last in the series of seven sharp squares from Uranus to Pluto, in the way life propels you to fight a corner and stand up against an injustice. This year you will inspire many people to alter their expectations of themselves, of life... and of you!” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>SAGITTARIUS</strong></p><p>“You are the sign associated with good times. However in 2015, you have the fun-buster of the zodiac, aka Saturn, in your sign for most of the year, which is the first time since 1988. If you can remember as far back as then and you're worried because 1985-1989 were not your finest years, don't panic! You are now older and wiser and you will be able to handle all of Saturn's challenges with aplomb.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“This year, love, and all that's connected to love, becomes easier than you ever expected it to be. And more fulfilling. Now this doesn't mean that it will all be perfect. Nor will you graduate from your school to the point where you never need any more training... but it still looks like a pretty good time ahead.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>CAPRICORN</strong></p><p>“If your love life or working life has been volatile these past few years, you should find both are less stressful in 2015. You will no longer be quite so quick to react if and when things don't go quite your way. Your home life and relationships with family members has also been affected by these strong energies. So, yes, as of March/April, you should find your home is a much easier place to be!” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“The sixth-century Chinese General Sun Tzu said, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer'. This year, Saturn's fluctuating fortunes suggest not only should you heed his advice, you should ask if your enemies actually ARE your friends? In revising old ideas and redrawing boundaries you may liberate yourself from obstacles that have held you back too long. Free, at last, to think the unthinkable, you will then scale unprecedented heights of success and fulfilment in your material and emotional life alike.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>AQUARIUS</strong></p><p>“The first thing to note is that as 2015 dawns you are going to be under far less pressure. Reason being, you have had Saturn bearing down on you these past few years. Chances are you have been pushed to your limit and – at times – not even sure you could cope. However the good news is that you're out of that cycle now, older, wiser and hopefully feeling pretty proud of how resourceful and resilient you are! The people and situations which threatened to exhaust you should fade out of view now.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“In 2015 your love life will naturally begin to blossom and bloom in ways that may currently seem almost beyond imagination.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><strong>PISCES</strong></p><p>“All in all, 2015 is a potential pivotal year for you, not least because you have eclipse energy in your sign, in March, and in your Love Zone in September. Things can change – you just have to decide how you want them to change.” — Yasmin Boland</p><p>“Think of the joy, the fulfilment, the magic and the happiness that comes your way in 2015 as 'change' due on the high denomination note you surrendered, via previous years of strife. Because, during this exceptional year that includes a glorious solar eclipse on the final degree of your sign in March and goes on to provide a triumphant opposition of Jupiter and Neptune in September, you can expect only the good stuff and never more than the minimum necessary dose of the bad.” — Jonathan Cainer</p><p><a href="/lifestyle/family/2015/01/educational-activities-for-grandkids/" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Here's a list of some things you can do to give your grandchildren a headstart at school.</strong></span></a></p>

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Astrologer reveals your star sign affects what you eat

<p>Can your star sign affect your eating habits? Astrologer Gillian Knowles believes so, and has advice on dieting based on your date of birth.</p><p><strong>Aquarius –</strong> Aquarians are attracted to quirky, unusual ways of doing things, so being innovative with your diet regimen will help keep you interested in it. However, moderation is key, so know when to pull back. And try replacing alcohol with alternatives like ginger beer. Aquarius rules the circulatory system, which is stimulated by ginger and kept healthy by avoiding alcohol.</p><p><strong>Pisces -</strong> Pisceans are often perfectionists, so finding a foolproof diet may be difficult, as will sticking to it when you happen upon the right one. Try dancing, meditation or yoga to add extra exercise, and as a way to express locked-in emotions. Remember to keep your fluid intake up to flush out your system, as Pisceans are prone to holding onto impurities.</p><p><strong>Aries –</strong> Aries can be impulsive people, so you may start a new eating regimen without putting too much planning in. Unfortunately, you’ll expect results quickly and lose interest if the benefits aren’t immediately apparent. Try competing with someone else as a way to spur you on. And focus on proteins instead of carbohydrates, Aries is related to the brain, which is fed by the amino acids in protein.</p><p><strong>Taurus –</strong> Taureans tend to love their food, so a starvation diet isn’t going to be for you. Try a diet full of tasty but healthy food. Try setting the table in a creative way so that it looks great when you sit down to eat. You’ll want to avoid sugars and over-rich foods, as Taureans can be prone to weight problems.</p><p><strong>Gemini –</strong> Born under the sign of the twins, Geminis should try a combination of diet and exercise. The difficult thing for you will be to stick to one diet, instead of flitting to something different after a very short time. Avoid fast foods, and take time to eat your foods in a relaxed way. Gemini relates to the hands and nervous system, so balance your nerves.</p><p><strong>Cancer –</strong> You’re likely to use food as a comfort when you deal with painful emotions, so it’s important to be mindful of your attitude towards food. Cancerians tend to be nurturers, so try to think of a new eating plan as a way of looking after yourself, rather than as a deprivation.</p><p><strong>Leo –</strong> Leos need to feel good about themselves, and achieving this with a great diet is the best way. You’re basically a dieting machine – you have the spontaneity and confidence to adopt a healthy new eating plan, and your strength of character helps you stick to the regime. Don’t shy away from positive reinforcement on how well you’re doing, but be on the lookout for carb-loaded sauces (replace them with a light marinade instead).</p><p><strong>Virgo –</strong> Practical, methodical Virgos love making lists, so keeping a food journal is a great way to plan your diet. List your food’s nutritional value and health benefits to remind you why you’re eating it. But don’t try too hard to make everything perfect – everyone slips up now and again. Virgo rules the skin, so try to avoid additives and pesticides with organic food.</p><p><strong>Libra –</strong> Choosing a diet can be hard for Librans. And then when they do, the temptation is always hovering that there just might be a better one to switch to. Motivation to stick to your guns can come in the form of a friend or partner on the same path – share your experiences as you go. Libra is connected to the kidneys, so choose potassium-rich foods like bananas, leafy greens and fish to help prevent diabetes.</p><p><strong>Scorpio –</strong> Your willpower is stronger than all the other star signs, so once you’ve chosen a diet, you’re going to stick to it. You’ll be great at controlling your impulses, and may even make yourself fast to achieve your goals. Remember to eat enough fibre, as Scorpio is connected to the bowels.</p><p><strong>Sagittarius –</strong> Sagittarians love a challenge and setting goals, but like to see results quickly. Try not to get discouraged if they don’t happen right away; just keep a hold of your trademark optimism and enthusiasm. Be realistic about what you can achieve, and incorporate plenty of fun and exercise into your regime. Try substituting cream, salt, and sugar with healthier alternatives, as too much rich food can make you feel out of sorts.</p><p><strong>Capricorn –</strong> You like to work steadily towards a target, and relish the challenge if it’s a difficult one. Remember to be easy on yourself. Try disciplines such as Tai Chi, weights, or aerobics. Get plenty of calcium, as Capricorn rules the teeth and skeletal system – you need to keep these healthy.</p><p><strong>Related links:</strong></p><p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/family/2015/01/astrology-2015/" target="_blank">What do the astrologers have in store for you this year?</a></span></strong></em></p><p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/news/news/2015/03/losing-sleep-weight-gain/" target="_blank">Apparently losing an hour of sleep is like eating a bagel</a></span></strong></em></p><p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/news/news/2015/03/diet-increases-lifespan/" target="_blank">The link between your diet and your lifespan</a></span></strong></em></p>


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What your horoscope really says about love

<p>Do you love checking your star sign each day? Do you like to see what you’re set to face be it the personal, professional and romantic lives in the upcoming week? But what does it all mean? We spoke to Alison Moroney, a professional astrologer with more than thirty years’ experience, to find out more. Her astrological columns reach more than 1 million people across Australia and New Zealand through the Rural Press group. Here Alison explains how stars signs and love are related.</p><p><strong>Horoscopes help astrologers decode life, love and relationships</strong></p><p>Horoscopes are a map of key celestial bodies and points at any given moment in time. The interpretation of those charts in the hands of an astrologer can provide good advice on the cause of problems in relationships, for example, strengths and incompatibilities, whether the relationship has the capacity to last, and psychological insights.</p><p><strong>Star sign compatibility</strong></p><p>At the most basic level, earth and water signs are compatible with each other, and fire and air signs are compatible with each other. &nbsp;</p><p>The groups are:</p><p>Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius</p><p>Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius</p><p>Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces</p><p>Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn</p><p>However, much depends upon the interplanetary connections between the two charts. It is all about scale: star signs are low detail indicators, whilst individual chart comparisons are far more detailed and insightful. One is like looking at a general map of Australia, the other is like looking at a street map of your local neighbourhood on Google Earth.</p><p><strong>Perfect match</strong></p><p>I believe that matching up star signs certainly helps when it comes to love. Decision-making is always a 50/50 proposition; better decisions result from informed decision-making processes.&nbsp;Firstly, I believe it is important to know and understand yourself, as well as your potential partner (this is also true of platonic relationships as well). &nbsp;</p><p>However, if the two individuals are not compatible then no amount of knowing is going to fix the problem – best to move on. Relationships require good communication, love, respect for each other, understanding, and effort to maintain the relationship in order to be successful. If those ingredients are only present on one side or totally absent, the relationship will experience major problems (true for all ages). However, as mature age individuals, we should be more aware of what makes a relationship work. Ingrained behavioural problems will complicate matters, and looking at astrological charts assists in reaching an understanding whether a relationship is viable or not. General star signs are a first step in this direction.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Star signs, characteristics and relationship compatibility</strong></p><p>Star signs are a mathematical abstraction of positions within the celestial sphere, based on the March equinox. They have been used in astrology to categorise people into general personality traits, and are used by predictive astrologers to generalise predictive trends for those groups of people. However, as previously stated interplanetary aspects play a more significant role in indicating personality traits, long with positions of planets in particular parts of the horoscope.</p><p>All humans need love. The planet Venus is associated with love, and a prominently placed and well-aspect Venus will be indicative of a kind and loving person. However, good communications are important in relationships, in which case aspects to Mercury need to be considered. For respect and commitment, Saturn is the planetary indicator, along with lunar nodes and ascendant signs. This is just the tip of the iceberg when looking at characteristics and relationship compatibility.</p><p>For more detail on personality, you can have a look at some good astrological books. My experience tells me that the sidereal zodiac is a better indicator of personality over tropical astrology. For a definition of the two take a look <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.&nbsp;</p><p>To find out more, visit Alison’s astrology website <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p>


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